
Women's hands writing in notebook
The COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has forced com­pa­nies of all sizes to reassess their oper­a­tions, includ­ing how a pub­lic rela­tions or com­mu­ni­ca­tions agency fits into the mix, and tak­ing a hard, hon­est look at the val­ue a rela­tion­ship with an agency provides. For Bell­mont Part­ners, the past 10 months have rein­forced much of what we already knew to...
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laptop with blue graphs
Good­bye (and in many ways, good rid­dance!) to 2020 – and hel­lo, 2021! The chal­lenges that came our way in 2020 may have cre­at­ed some chaos and con­fu­sion, but they also pro­vid­ed oppor­tu­ni­ties and shed light on areas that could use fine-tuning. The start of a new year is the per­fect time to take a...
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Text reads "Goals for 2021"
The tra­di­tion of New Year’s res­o­lu­tions dates back thou­sands of years, and while many aspects have changed, the core phi­los­o­phy of self-improve­ment has remained the same. Most goals and res­o­lu­tions for 2020 quick­ly turned to sim­ply mak­ing it through, but we are look­ing to 2021 with cau­tious opti­mism and hope. Each year Bell­mont Part­ners sets agency...
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Apple tree
The change of sea­sons from sum­mer to fall is one that many of us at Bell­mont Part­ners love – from the crisp morn­ings and the col­or­ful leaves, to the trips to the orchard and the bus­tle of har­vest. This year, we also wel­comed autumn with two projects that high­light­ed the beau­ty and the impor­tance of...
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person typing on laptop
It’s not exact­ly break­ing news that over the past eight months, every Bell­mont Part­ners client, no mat­ter which indus­try they’re in, has shift­ed their mar­ket­ing approach – some slight­ly, oth­ers sig­nif­i­cant­ly. But what is news­wor­thy are the insights we’ve gleaned regard­ing what’s most impor­tant to keep in mind for 2021. Each orga­ni­za­tion has been piv­ot­ing accord­ing...
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Jen Bellmont outside piano window display
The Minneapolis/St. Paul Busi­ness Jour­nal rec­og­nized 52 2020 Women in Busi­ness hon­orees at a vir­tu­al event today, includ­ing our very own Jen Bell­mont. While her MSPBJ pro­file focus­es on how she’s “prov­ing that doing well and doing good can go hand in hand” and “cul­ti­vat­ing pos­i­tive cul­ture, in and out of the office,” we asked...
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Work desk with monitors on other decorations
Non­prof­it com­mu­ni­ca­tions is about words. Devel­op­ment is about num­bers. The teams from each are from dif­fer­ent worlds and speak dif­fer­ent lan­guages, right? Maybe; but they’re strongest and most effec­tive when every­thing is aligned. Bell­mont Part­ners strate­gic part­ner Mo Cahill and I had the hon­or of pre­sent­ing a break­out ses­sion at the Min­neso­ta Coun­cil of Non­prof­its’ (MCN)...
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Headshots of six Bellmont employees
It’s been just over six months since Bell­mont Part­ners shift­ed to a ful­ly remote oper­a­tion, and every day that goes by it’s becom­ing more clear how impor­tant our team has been to our agency’s sur­vival and suc­cess dur­ing the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of us has played a crit­i­cal, dis­tinct role, from pro­vid­ing fast-turn, inno­v­a­tive sup­port for...
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Woman listening at table
When it comes to peo­ple who know how to bring out the best in oth­ers, co-own­er and COO Jen Bell­mont is near the top of the list. Over the past 19 years, Jen has been the dri­ving force behind mul­ti­ple ini­tia­tives designed to build Bell­mont Part­ners into one of Minnesota’s top pub­lic rela­tions agen­cies. She...
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Four people grouped together smiling at camera
For the past 30 years, Mau­reen Cahill has built her rep­u­ta­tion as one of the top pub­lic rela­tions prac­ti­tion­ers in the Twin Cities. She’s estab­lished her­self as a trust­ed go-to resource for media rela­tions, cri­sis com­mu­ni­ca­tions, events, and strate­gic plan­ning and video pro­duc­ing. She’s built excep­tion­al­ly strong rela­tion­ships with local and nation­al jour­nal­ists. And now,...
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