
May 2020
Woman looking at cellphone
Stay­ing con­nect­ed has nev­er been more impor­tant. But not just in our social cir­cles. With so many of us work­ing from home, it can be hard to keep the morale and cre­ativ­i­ty up with­in a com­pa­ny or team. Sure, we can move meet­ings and calls to a vir­tu­al plat­form like Zoom, but what about the...
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Zoom screenshot of three women
When Min­neso­ta start­ed shut­ting down in March due to COVID-19, clo­sures and can­cel­la­tions seemed to be com­ing in every minute, and the Loft Lit­er­ary Center’s sec­ond annu­al Word­play book fes­ti­val was in lim­bo. But instead of can­cel­ing or post­pon­ing the May 9 event, the orga­niz­ers real­ized that going vir­tu­al could be an option – as...
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Android tablet and paper with analytics on a table
The COVID-19 pan­dem­ic and result­ing media fur­loughs have forced many orga­ni­za­tions to rethink their earned media strate­gies over the last few months – cre­at­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to review exist­ing strate­gies and tac­tics. As Bell­mont Part­ners’ Data + Insights Lead, I would love to sug­gest using this time to ana­lyze and update how your orga­ni­za­tion is...
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Zoom screenshot of Bellmont Partners team
We remark sev­er­al times a day (pinch our­selves, even) about how incred­i­bly grate­ful we are to have such a sharp, ded­i­cat­ed group of peo­ple on our team and work­ing tire­less­ly in pur­suit of our clients’ busi­ness goals. We know they’re amaz­ing. We try to make sure they know they’re amaz­ing. This news – that our...
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