
Julie Goulette
Woman takes a selfie in front of a harbor with the Duluth Liftbridge in the background
As a for­mer jour­nal­ist, Brid­get Nel­son Mon­roe is all about build­ing con­nec­tions between col­leagues, clients and the com­mu­ni­ty. This pas­sion, paired with her strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tions tal­ent and exper­tise, made her an obvi­ous choice for recog­ni­tion by Ragan and PR Dai­ly. We’re thrilled to share Brid­get has been named one of this year’s Top Women in...
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Collage of memories from Bellmont Partners
We are very proud to announce for the third year in a row Bell­mont Part­ners has been named one of Inc. Magazine’s Best Work­places. Accord­ing to Inc., this year’s com­pe­ti­tion was “fiercer than ever,” with thou­sands of com­pa­nies across the coun­try com­pet­ing for this hon­or. A total of 429 com­pa­nies were select­ed, just five from Minnesota....
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Collage of home gardens and produce
Win­ter is gone, the days are longer, the sun is warmer. Now would usu­al­ly be the time we’re plant­i­ng var­i­ous flow­ers, pro­duce and herbs on the Bell­mont Part­ners ter­race – a sure sign of spring at the office. Even though we can’t gar­den togeth­er again just yet, our team mem­bers brought this pas­sion home, and...
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Text reads "Goals for 2021"
The tra­di­tion of New Year’s res­o­lu­tions dates back thou­sands of years, and while many aspects have changed, the core phi­los­o­phy of self-improve­ment has remained the same. Most goals and res­o­lu­tions for 2020 quick­ly turned to sim­ply mak­ing it through, but we are look­ing to 2021 with cau­tious opti­mism and hope. Each year Bell­mont Part­ners sets agency...
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Woman looking at cellphone
Stay­ing con­nect­ed has nev­er been more impor­tant. But not just in our social cir­cles. With so many of us work­ing from home, it can be hard to keep the morale and cre­ativ­i­ty up with­in a com­pa­ny or team. Sure, we can move meet­ings and calls to a vir­tu­al plat­form like Zoom, but what about the...
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