
March 2018
Four women grouped together for a photo
As pub­lic rela­tions pro­fes­sion­als, it’s no secret how much our indus­try has changed over the years, but one thing has always stayed the same: We help tell our clients’ stories. Some mem­bers of the Bell­mont Part­ners team had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to spend time with polit­i­cal colum­nist and cul­ture crit­ic Ana Marie Cox as part of the...
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Bellmont Edina office interior
Wasn’t it just last week we were toss­ing con­fet­ti into the air and yelling “Hap­py New Year!”? The first three months of 2018 have flown by, so I want­ed to hit pause for a sec­ond and reflect on a lot of what we’ve been up to here at Bell­mont Part­ners – over the span of...
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While a lot has changed in the Twin Cities, we still have one of if not the most dynam­ic health­care land­scapes in the coun­try. In fact, accord­ing to the Med­ical Alley Asso­ci­a­tion, in 2017, a record $735 mil­lion was raised by 85 com­pa­nies in med­ical device, dig­i­tal health, bio­phar­ma and diag­nos­tics. On Wednes­day, some of...
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