
Brian Bellmont
Our cul­ture has always been a vital­ly impor­tant ele­ment of Bell­mont Part­ners’ DNA, so it’s par­tic­u­lar­ly grat­i­fy­ing to receive nation­al recog­ni­tion for our peo­ple-focused approach. Today, Inc. named our agency to its nation­al list of Best Work­places for the fifth (!) time. We were also named to the list in 2023, 2021, 2020 and 2019. Accord­ing...
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Shelli leads Sam's Q&A!
As the cal­en­dar flips over to a new year; what bet­ter time to wel­come a new team mem­ber? We’re hap­py to intro­duce Sam Zen­der, the most recent addi­tion to Bell­mont Part­ners’ Pro­fes­sion­al Ser­vices and Pub­lic Affairs team. Sam has put his wealth of exper­tise in every­thing from PR to cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions to state gov­ern­ment affairs to...
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Bellmont Partners partners celebrate the MSPBJ's 2023 Fast 50 awards.
Here’s the thing about going on a jour­ney: You nev­er know exact­ly how long it’ll take to get to your des­ti­na­tion. Steve Mar­tin and John Can­dy rode planes, trains and auto­mo­biles to make it home. Dorothy eased on down the Yel­low Brick Road to get to Oz. The Gris­wolds drove the fam­i­ly truck­ster to Wal­ley...
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Two people stand at a counter talking
We are thrilled to wel­come our newest team mem­ber, Katie Fitz­patrick, as Direc­tor, Account Strat­e­gy! Katie brings more than 20 years of agency expe­ri­ence in strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tions and account man­age­ment to the team, and she’s already putting her knowl­edge to work for clients with­in our Pro­fes­sion­al Ser­vices & Pub­lic Affairs and Tech­nol­o­gy & Man­u­fac­tur­ing prac­tice groups....
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A group of people pose together on an outdoor patio balcony
As Bell­mont Part­ners has been nav­i­gat­ing record-break­ing growth — we’ve grown more than 60 per­cent over the past three years — one of the pri­or­i­ties we’ve been focus­ing on is ensur­ing our agency’s pri­or­i­ties and needs align with our team members’. As if on cue, a few weeks ago the Minneapolis/St. Paul Busi­ness Jour­nal (MSPBJ) ran...
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What's Brewing designed graphic with coffee cup and headshot
Bell­mont Part­ners has been work­ing with the com­pa­ny for­mer­ly known as ID Insight on-and-off since just a few years after it launched in 2003. The Min­neapo­lis-based leader in devel­op­ing plat­form-based fraud-pre­ven­tion solu­tions for finan­cial insti­tu­tions has nim­bly shift­ed over the years to nav­i­gate – and stay ahead of – the con­stant­ly chang­ing fraud envi­ron­ment. But...
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Ted Las­so, Ant-Man and Cam from “Mod­ern Fam­i­ly” walk into a hos­pi­tal. Oh, it’s not the set-up for a joke. It’s the real-life recipe for a high-pro­file event that PR prac­ti­tion­ers can glean plen­ty of lessons from. Since 2010, “Big Slick” has been a one-of-a-kind fundrais­ing event that’s gen­er­at­ed more than $16 mil­lion dol­lars for a...
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Two women sit in a lounge chatting
With years of expe­ri­ence across a wide vari­ety of com­mu­ni­ca­tions dis­ci­plines, Stacey Robert­son is a wel­come addi­tion to the Bell­mont Part­ners team! As an account strate­gist, Stacey is already putting her sig­nif­i­cant jour­nal­ism, brand, writ­ing and client-ser­vice exper­tise to work for clients across the agency. We sat down with Stacey to learn a bit more about...
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A group of people pose for a selfie on a sidewalk
If you’re in the Twin Cities, you’ve prob­a­bly seen inde­fati­ga­ble entre­pre­neur Teto Wil­son on the air­waves, in mag­a­zines, on bill­boards, or at com­mu­ni­ty events. Through every­thing he does he keeps his North Min­neapo­lis neigh­bors cen­ter stage, and he’s affect­ing real change: He hosts town hall events to fos­ter com­mu­ni­ty con­ver­sa­tions around key top­ics at his...
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An action figure of Bruce Willis in Die Hard is set on the edge of a buildling
Am I a Bruce Willis fan? Yippee-kay-yay…well, you know the rest. A quick spin through reveals that I’ve seen more than 40 of Willis’s movies at least once, and some – like Die Hard and Pulp Fic­tion – more times than the Nakato­mi Tow­er has floors. The recent news that the for­mer Mr. Demi Moore is step­ping...
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