
October 2021
Stock image of laptop, notebook on desk
The past year and half have kept mar­keters and com­mu­ni­ca­tions pro­fes­sion­als on their toes. We’ve used or heard the “piv­ot” word ad nau­se­am. From our van­tage point, we’ve been impressed at the ways our clients and peers have adapt­ed, and seem­ing­ly not missed a beat in reach­ing and engag­ing their audi­ences, even using new chan­nels...
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With stay-at-home orders, trav­el bans and social dis­tanc­ing guide­lines in place, it’s no sur­prise that the tourism and event indus­try took a hit dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. As we’ve come to see over the last 18 months, the pro­fes­sion­als in this space are noth­ing if not resilient, cre­ative and hard­work­ing. And their efforts are pay­ing off,...
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Women organize post it notes on window
A brand is an ecosys­tem. It’s the sum of many parts – both tan­gi­ble and intan­gi­ble – work­ing togeth­er to cre­ate a clear, cohe­sive expe­ri­ence for your audi­ence. It’s impor­tant to estab­lish the expe­ri­ence you want to con­vey and work back­wards to ensure that what you’re show­ing and what you’re say­ing aligns. Whether you’re estab­lish­ing a...
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Baby Yoda stands on rocks
Scroll through LinkedIn or flip open any busi­ness mag­a­zine and it seems like the cor­po­rate world col­lec­tive­ly just dis­cov­ered a brand-new con­cept: Empathy. And it’s no won­der: If ever there was a time for lead­ers to flex their emo­tion­al-intel­li­gence mus­cles and try to under­stand what their col­leagues, cus­tomers and com­mu­ni­ties are going through, it’s now. Peo­ple are...
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