
September 2021
Stock image of Jenga tower
Our Bell­mont Part­ners team will be the first to say that cre­at­ing a roadmap with clear strat­e­gy and thought­ful devel­op­ment is a cru­cial part of hav­ing a suc­cess­ful com­mu­ni­ca­tions plan. And we also will affirm the need for flex­i­bil­i­ty to adapt and take advan­tage of unique, unfore­seen oppor­tu­ni­ties. Whether that means jump­ing to respond to...
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Nav­i­gat­ing health­care is com­plex, and per­haps nev­er more intim­i­dat­ing or bur­den­some than the past cou­ple of years. The COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has swept the world with tragedy and immense pres­sure on our health­care sys­tems; men­tal health chal­lenges and ill­ness­es are on the rise; and the cost and com­plex­i­ty of nav­i­gat­ing the many options indi­vid­u­als and fam­i­lies...
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TV screenshot of owner Brian Bellmont
Recent­ly I took a look at PR role mod­els in pop cul­ture and came up fair­ly emp­ty. Yes, there were a few exag­ger­at­ed char­ac­ters like Saman­tha Jones from “Sex and the City.” But if they didn’t exact­ly spark a rush of peo­ple apply­ing for PR jobs, who did? The like­ly answer: fic­tion­al jour­nal­ists. In the 70s,...
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