Throughout the past few years, while many summer programs have had to push pause on programming, ThreeSixty Journalism, hasn’t stopped moving. This nonprofit multimedia program for high schoolers “trains and supports the next generation of diverse thinkers, communicators, and leaders.” And they know that especially in today’s world, a commitment to distribute the truth is...Read More
Oh, we got trouble. Or at least we have for the past two years as COVID has impacted nearly every aspect of all our lives. But as always, a silver lining is starting to become clear. Or in this case, I guess, a brass lining – complete with 76 trombones leading the big parade, with 110...Read More
We all intuitively know the power of a good story. It’s what makes us lean in at a party, binge just *one* more episode, or scroll a little deeper on someone’s social feed. As humans, we’re fascinated by other people’s lives and experiences, whether different or similar to our own. As marketers and communicators, there’s...Read More
During my nearly 14-year career as a journalist, I received my fair share of pitches from public relations agencies that highlighted the good aspects of a company, product or organization. Some were helpful. I crafted numerous stories sparked by an idea from a pitch or reported timely news from information gathered from these professionals; however,...Read More
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