
Krista Kuzma
A reporter and camera person in a flower greenhouse
Sto­ry­telling is some­thing we help our clients with every day at Bell­mont Part­ners. We know own­ing – and shar­ing – your sto­ry is cru­cial for con­nect­ing with poten­tial cus­tomers and ele­vat­ing your busi­ness and brand. Whether it’s a hot top­ic or a news­wor­thy hap­pen­ing, do you know the process to share your sto­ry effectively? Bell­mont...
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While we cer­tain­ly aren’t per­fect in our envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­i­ty jour­ney, as an agency, Bell­mont Part­ners is whole-heart­ed­ly striv­ing to do bet­ter to make our sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ties bet­ter than how we found them. That’s why we are both excit­ed and hum­bled to receive a gold lev­el des­ig­na­tion – the high­est a busi­ness can earn – in the...
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What's Brewing image with Bob and Dave from Sustainable Safari
Bob Pilz has a pas­sion so deep for exot­ic ani­mals that he had to share it with oth­ers. Thus, Sus­tain­able Safari was cre­at­ed in 2019 as an inter­ac­tive ani­mal expe­ri­ence in Maple­wood Mall, fea­tur­ing more than 25 unique species such as emus, lemurs, armadil­los, greater gri­son and red kan­ga­roos. Safari Bob, along with his wife,...
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Person with camera records two people talking in an apple orchard
Dur­ing my near­ly 14-year career as a jour­nal­ist, I received my fair share of pitch­es from pub­lic rela­tions agen­cies that high­light­ed the good aspects of a com­pa­ny, prod­uct or orga­ni­za­tion. Some were help­ful. I craft­ed numer­ous sto­ries sparked by an idea from a pitch or report­ed time­ly news from infor­ma­tion gath­ered from these pro­fes­sion­als; how­ev­er,...
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