
Brian and Jen Bellmont take selfie with Jason Sudeikis
Some of the pandemic’s most rel­e­vant and res­o­nant lessons about lead­er­ship didn’t come from a high-pro­file CEO’s LinkedIn post. Instead, the mas­ter-lev­el class on what it takes to be a leader was taught by a folksy, opti­mistic, pos­i­tive – and entire­ly fic­tion­al – soc­cer coach. And his sweet mustache. Ted Las­so, per­fect­ly embod­ied by Jason Sudeikis...
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People gathered by podium at MN Firefighter health event
It’s a land­mark and emo­tion­al day for Minnesota’s fire ser­vice and for us at Bell­mont Part­ners: Our state leg­is­la­ture passed the Home­town Heroes Assis­tance Pro­gram, which ensures that every Min­neso­ta fire­fight­er will have access to edu­ca­tion, pre­ven­tion and care need­ed to han­dle a car­diac, emo­tion­al trau­ma or can­cer diag­no­sis. We are grate­ful to be a...
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When George Floyd was mur­dered last year, the hor­rif­ic act and result­ing unrest moved all of us to learn more and talk more about racism, and then think and act dif­fer­ent­ly. Like many of you, at Bell­mont Part­ners, we devot­ed more resources and atten­tion to our diver­si­ty, inclu­sion and equi­ty efforts. One thing we can...
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Woman standing in front of full bookshelf facing the books
Com­ing off the excite­ment of work­ing on anoth­er won­der­ful Word­play Book Fes­ti­val, and with sum­mer vaca­tions on the hori­zon, we want­ed to dig in and devel­op anoth­er list of sug­gest­ed read­ing mate­ri­als from our team. Below, we share some favorites we keep going back to along with some new­er titles. We hope these pro­vide enter­tain­ment,...
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Account Supervisor Michelle Griffith Named a 32 Under 32 Winner
We’re excit­ed to share that Bell­mont Part­ners Account Super­vi­sor Michelle Grif­fith has been rec­og­nized as a “32 Under 32” by AdFed MN. The annu­al pro­gram hon­ors the top young mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing minds, and this year’s theme was The Dis­rup­tors – those who have rede­fined the norm in light of the chal­lenges of the past year....
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Table of memorabilia from 1990s
Some anniver­saries are worth for­get­ting. Like how it’s now been 15 months since we shut­tered our PR agency’s office and went vir­tu­al, as though we were all sucked into a game of Tron. Hooray..? But for oth­er anniver­saries, you’ve got to par­ty like it’s 1999. Or, more accu­rate­ly, 2011. Ten years ago today, the first book...
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Plant, cup of coffee and journal on a table
Our client, Jill Wei­de­mann-West, CEO of Peo­ple Incor­po­rat­ed Men­tal Health Ser­vices, said it best last year in a Min­nPost arti­cle dur­ing Sui­cide Pre­ven­tion Aware­ness Month, “The fear and iso­la­tion of COVID, the dis­rup­tion to our busi­ness­es, fam­i­lies, chil­dren and edu­ca­tion­al sys­tems, and, of course, the unrest and trau­ma so present in our com­mu­ni­ties has pushed...
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Zoom screenshot of seven people on IABC panel
As the job mar­ket is spring­ing back to life and com­mu­ni­ca­tions tal­ent becomes hard­er to find, now may be the per­fect time to con­sid­er cre­at­ing or max­i­miz­ing a hybrid com­mu­ni­ca­tions team that blends in-house and out­sourced experts to get the job done. The Inter­na­tion­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Busi­ness Com­mu­ni­ca­tors (IABC) Min­neso­ta chap­ter recent­ly host­ed a pro­fes­sion­al...
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The speed at which things have changed in the past 13 months has kept many pro­fes­sion­als on their toes –which cer­tain­ly includes mar­ket­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­fes­sion­als. We work with some incred­i­ble lead­ers, and it’s been inspir­ing to see them embrace changes, nav­i­gate chal­lenges and take dif­fer­ent approach­es than they set out to take before every­thing...
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Women around a table celebrating
To bor­row a phrase from the Army: Shel­li Lis­sick does more before 9 a.m. than most peo­ple do all day. Par­tic­u­lar­ly dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, the ear­ly riser’s inde­fati­ga­ble work eth­ic, can-do atti­tude and roll-up-her-sleeves approach has been more crit­i­cal to the suc­cess of our agency’s clients than ever before. We’re hap­py to report that Shelli’s amaz­ing con­tri­bu­tions...
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