
Gretchen Sitzer, Sydney Schoeberle and Sam Zender at an event
We’re thrilled to share that Syd­ney Schoe­ber­le, senior account exec­u­tive, has been named a 2024 Notable Emerg­ing Leader by Twin Cities Busi­ness magazine. Syd­ney joined Bell­mont Part­ners in Jan­u­ary 2019 as an admin­is­tra­tive assis­tant and quick­ly excelled and began col­lab­o­rat­ing with clients on pub­lic rela­tions ini­tia­tives. Three pro­mo­tions lat­er, as a senior account exec­u­tive, Syd­ney is...
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Woman listening at table
When it comes to peo­ple who know how to bring out the best in oth­ers, co-own­er and COO Jen Bell­mont is near the top of the list. Over the past 19 years, Jen has been the dri­ving force behind mul­ti­ple ini­tia­tives designed to build Bell­mont Part­ners into one of Minnesota’s top pub­lic rela­tions agen­cies. She...
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Michelle and Breanna holding an award
Bell­mont Part­ners is proud to add a new award to our shelf – a 2018 Gold­en ARC Award from the Ag Rela­tions Coun­cil – for our work last fall on a social media cam­paign on behalf of Mid­west Dairy. Mid­west Dairy was look­ing for a way to authen­ti­cal­ly con­nect con­sumers with dairy farm­ers’ sto­ries –...
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Grid of Bellmont team at various events
Last night, we were hon­ored to once again – for the fourth year in a row – be named one of the 100 Best Com­pa­nies to Work For by Min­neso­ta Busi­ness Mag­a­zine. While part of our team was at the Finance & Com­merce Ris­ing Young Pro­fes­sion­als award event, a group of BPers accept­ed the award...
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Bell­mont Part­ners has been named Health Care Pub­lic Rela­tions Agency of the Year by Ragan Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and PR Daily. The hon­or from Ragan and PR Daily’s Ace Awards, which high­lights “the most tal­ent­ed and inno­v­a­tive thinkers across a vari­ety of indus­tries,” rec­og­nizes Bell­mont Part­ners’ health prac­tice group. While our agency has part­nered with inno­v­a­tive med­ical orga­ni­za­tions...
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