
January 2023
Two women sit talking
We’re excit­ed to wel­come Gretchen Sitzer to the Bell­mont Part­ners team as a project man­ag­er! From her ear­ly career as an Eng­lish teacher to her pas­sion for project man­age­ment, Gretchen com­bines her love for sto­ry­telling with an abil­i­ty to help dri­ve projects for­ward in an orga­nized fash­ion. In her new role, Gretchen works across the...
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While we cer­tain­ly aren’t per­fect in our envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­i­ty jour­ney, as an agency, Bell­mont Part­ners is whole-heart­ed­ly striv­ing to do bet­ter to make our sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ties bet­ter than how we found them. That’s why we are both excit­ed and hum­bled to receive a gold lev­el des­ig­na­tion – the high­est a busi­ness can earn – in the...
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Bellmont Partners team members talk around a table
We all know pub­lic rela­tions plays a huge role in help­ing ele­vate, pro­tect and build a brand. But that role con­tin­ues to evolve. Over the last year, we’ve seen a shift in how our clients approach their com­mu­ni­ca­tions plans as their key stake­hold­ers con­tin­ue to change their expec­ta­tions when it comes to what and how...
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A group of people pose together on an outdoor patio balcony
As Bell­mont Part­ners has been nav­i­gat­ing record-break­ing growth — we’ve grown more than 60 per­cent over the past three years — one of the pri­or­i­ties we’ve been focus­ing on is ensur­ing our agency’s pri­or­i­ties and needs align with our team members’. As if on cue, a few weeks ago the Minneapolis/St. Paul Busi­ness Jour­nal (MSPBJ) ran...
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Two women sit on a couch talking
One of our newest addi­tions to the Bell­mont Part­ners team, Mad­die Michaud joined us right before the hol­i­days and has been hit­ting the ground run­ning get­ting inte­grat­ed on sev­er­al of our tech­nol­o­gy & man­u­fac­tur­ing prac­tice clients, as well as sev­er­al inter­nal com­mit­tees like our DE&I com­mit­tee and our agency mar­ket­ing team. We sat down with Mad­die...
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