
Breanna Welke
As the man­u­fac­tur­ing space enters what some have called a “gold­en age,” the indus­try remains com­pet­i­tive, chal­leng­ing and ever-chang­ing. In such a land­scape, man­u­fac­tur­ers ben­e­fit from an increased focus on com­mu­ni­ca­tions and pub­lic rela­tions to grow their busi­ness, dif­fer­en­ti­ate them­selves from com­peti­tors, recruit and retain employ­ees and so much more. As one of the top 20...
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Trade shows are back baby and we’re here to tell you about how to max­i­mize your pres­ence to make the most of your invest­ment and time. Trade shows are a fan­tas­tic way to get out and mar­ket your prod­uct or ser­vices and make one-on-one in per­son con­nec­tions with your key audi­ences. Not only that but they...
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Bellmont Partners team members talk around a table
We all know pub­lic rela­tions plays a huge role in help­ing ele­vate, pro­tect and build a brand. But that role con­tin­ues to evolve. Over the last year, we’ve seen a shift in how our clients approach their com­mu­ni­ca­tions plans as their key stake­hold­ers con­tin­ue to change their expec­ta­tions when it comes to what and how...
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Two women sit at a desk talking
We’re excit­ed to intro­duce the newest mem­ber of the Bell­mont Part­ners team—Angela Seut­ter! Angela is an extreme­ly tal­ent­ed and expe­ri­enced com­mu­ni­ca­tions pro­fes­sion­al who, like sev­er­al oth­ers on our team, start­ed her career in jour­nal­ism, work­ing at NBC and MSNBC in New York and Lon­don before mak­ing the switch to PR. For the past sev­er­al years,...
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Graphic with coffee cup and woman's headshot
These past two years have taught us about liv­ing and work­ing dur­ing a glob­al pan­dem­ic and fur­ther­more, how impor­tant pay­ing atten­tion to our men­tal health can be as we nav­i­gate the chal­lenges that come with work­ing from home, hybrid, or mak­ing the return to the office. Now more than ever, peo­ple are find­ing that the...
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Four people sit around a table with laptops and microphones recording a podcast episode
Clients and prospec­tive clients often ask us about thought lead­er­ship. Most of the time it’s because they know they should be imple­ment­ing it, but are over­whelmed by the idea and unsure about how or where to start. For­tu­nate­ly, an impact­ful thought lead­er­ship pro­gram doesn’t have to be over­whelm­ing – and, when done well, can be...
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Title graphic of music playlist
The begin­ning of a new year can be a lot. We’re com­ing off a break, it’s the start of new projects and pri­or­i­ties, and it’s cold. While most of these things are excit­ing (sor­ry, cold weath­er – not you), it can also take its toll giv­en the cir­cum­stances of the past two years. The good...
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Hands write in a notebook next to a coffee cup and open laptop
As we round out anoth­er year, it’s the per­fect time to reflect on our suc­cess­es of the past year, the oppor­tu­ni­ties ahead and what we’ve learned over the past 12 months when it comes to the ways in which we help our clients com­mu­ni­cate with their stakeholders. With 2022 plan­ning in full swing, we’ve asked...
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Jason Matheson and Alex Larson on Jason Show
Now that spring has final­ly arrived in Min­neso­ta, it’s safe to say that every­one is pret­ty darn excit­ed for the nice weath­er. And while it still seems far away, it won’t be long until we are cel­e­brat­ing the end-of-sum­mer tra­di­tion: the Min­neso­ta State Fair. Many of the busi­ness­es who invest time and resources into par­tic­i­pat­ing in...
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Vikings mascot on football field end zone
Join us in wel­com­ing the newest mem­ber of the Bell­mont Part­ners team, Sara Gras­mon! As the for­mer Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Events & Pro­mo­tions for the Kansas City Roy­als, Sara’s exper­tise and expe­ri­ence spans a wide range of mar­ket­ing dis­ci­plines, includ­ing strat­e­gy devel­op­ment, event coor­di­na­tion, pro­mo­tions, client ser­vice, media rela­tions, com­mu­ni­ty rela­tions, social media, video pro­duc­tion and...
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