
Team Building
Bellmont Partners team poses in Target Field after a Twins game during wellness week
When Bri­an Bell­mont start­ed Bell­mont Part­ners in 1996, he had a clear vision to become a peo­ple-first orga­ni­za­tion, sup­port­ing the clients, col­leagues and com­mu­ni­ties with whom he’d work. Near­ly three decades lat­er, that approach con­tin­ues to dri­ve what we do every day. In count­less ways Bell­mont Part­ners cul­ture means cel­e­brat­ing the whole per­son, meet­ing our team...
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A group of people pose together on an outdoor patio balcony
As Bell­mont Part­ners has been nav­i­gat­ing record-break­ing growth — we’ve grown more than 60 per­cent over the past three years — one of the pri­or­i­ties we’ve been focus­ing on is ensur­ing our agency’s pri­or­i­ties and needs align with our team members’. As if on cue, a few weeks ago the Minneapolis/St. Paul Busi­ness Jour­nal (MSPBJ) ran...
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