
Gretchen Sitzer
Bellmont Partners team poses in Target Field after a Twins game during wellness week
When Bri­an Bell­mont start­ed Bell­mont Part­ners in 1996, he had a clear vision to become a peo­ple-first orga­ni­za­tion, sup­port­ing the clients, col­leagues and com­mu­ni­ties with whom he’d work. Near­ly three decades lat­er, that approach con­tin­ues to dri­ve what we do every day. In count­less ways Bell­mont Part­ners cul­ture means cel­e­brat­ing the whole per­son, meet­ing our team...
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A view of the exciting crowds at the MN State Fair.
Sweet Martha’s Cook­ies. Pron­to Pups. Princess Kay’s But­ter Sculp­ture. Any Min­neso­ta State Fair enthu­si­ast can eas­i­ly con­jure (or taste!) these icon­ic images from the Great Min­neso­ta Get-Togeth­er. But today, we want to focus on some oth­er, often more invis­i­ble (but equal­ly icon­ic) ele­ments at the State Fair that pro­mote sustainability! The Min­neso­ta State Fair, boast­ing...
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Three individuals sit around a conference table talking.
Pic­ture this. Pre­car­i­ous­ly perched on a plat­form on Cloud City, Luke Sky­walk­er braces him­self, kneel­ing and aim­ing his blaster pis­tol at an enraged Darth Vad­er. Back and forth, the neme­ses duel! Sky­walk­er uses care­ful­ly aimed bursts from his gun while Vad­er har­ness­es telekine­sis to blast Sky­walk­er from the ele­vat­ed bat­tle ground. After an extend­ed series...
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At Bell­mont Part­ners, we work to uphold our core val­ues – col­lab­o­ra­tion, con­nec­tion, invest­ment, flex­i­bil­i­ty and trans­paren­cy – and also sup­port clients’ val­ues as we build part­ner­ships togeth­er to share mean­ing­ful sto­ries and help orga­ni­za­tions reach their goals. Our work spans a wide range of com­mu­ni­ca­tions ser­vices. From con­tent mar­ket­ing and stake­hold­er insights to thought...
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When Bri­an Bell­mont found­ed Bell­mont Part­ners in 1996, there was a clear vision: to become an exten­sion of the peo­ple, com­mu­ni­ties and teams with whom he worked. Going from a solo prac­ti­tion­er to now a team of 26 employ­ees, not only has this vision come to life – it’s grown and evolved and has led...
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As a peo­ple-first orga­ni­za­tion, we embrace each per­son on our team – and each per­son we work with – as an indi­vid­ual. We also believe our sum is greater than our parts. Here at Bell­mont Part­ners, we strive to help each per­son real­ize their poten­tial while pool­ing our skills, expe­ri­ence and quirks to cre­ate a...
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