
Four women sit around conference table
We talk a lot about the peo­ple of Bell­mont Part­ners, and how our agency cul­ture dri­ves our abil­i­ty to deliv­er excel­lent results for our clients and our community. We’ve received a lot of atten­tion for the work we do, and we’re extreme­ly proud of that. But today, we’ve been rec­og­nized for the most crit­i­cal foun­da­tion­al ele­ment...
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Two person in a conference room
Announc­ing a change in C‑level lead­er­ship is so much more than pub­lish­ing a quick tweet or blog post – espe­cial­ly when it’s the CEO of one of the nation’s largest hunger relief orga­ni­za­tions. We worked with Sec­ond Har­vest Heart­land for the past six-plus months to devel­op a plan that launched in June when Rob Zeaske...
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hands opening business news paper
How can you authen­ti­cal­ly engage with deci­sion mak­ers who may be good advo­cates, influ­encers, prospects, part­ners or employ­ees? While it can be a major under­tak­ing, the good news is that pub­lic rela­tions – includ­ing many ini­tia­tives that may already be in the works – can play a major role in build­ing and strength­en­ing relationships. In...
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Princess Kay being interviewed on camera
Now that the 2018 Min­neso­ta State Fair is behind us, and we’ve rest­ed our feet and caught up on some sleep, we took time to reflect on 12 days filled with ban­ner media cov­er­age for our clients at the big event – Mid­west Dairy and Min­neso­ta Wine Country. Our team worked with media from every cor­ner...
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Hey, bud­dy – spare some change? If your busi­ness is like most, there’s plen­ty of change to go around – and it’s impact­ing your col­leagues, clients and customers. Change has been proven to have a sig­nif­i­cant effect on employ­ees’ men­tal well-being, and it can man­i­fest itself phys­i­cal­ly, as well. Accord­ing to a study from the Amer­i­can...
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