
Pop Culture
An action figure of Bruce Willis in Die Hard is set on the edge of a buildling
Am I a Bruce Willis fan? Yippee-kay-yay…well, you know the rest. A quick spin through IMDB.com reveals that I’ve seen more than 40 of Willis’s movies at least once, and some – like Die Hard and Pulp Fic­tion – more times than the Nakato­mi Tow­er has floors. The recent news that the for­mer Mr. Demi Moore is step­ping...
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Photo of T-shirt that reads, "Your Mom Goes To College"
We intro­duced our daugh­ters to “Napoleon Dyna­mite” in all its dorky, gawky, quotable glo­ry over the week­end. Trust me, if you haven’t worked “Your mom goes to col­lege” or “Gimme some of your tots” into a con­ver­sa­tion late­ly, you’re miss­ing out. But it’s more than just an enter­tain­ing flick. While it’s most­ly about an awk­ward Ida­ho...
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A Playbill for The Music Man is held up in front of a stage
Oh, we got trou­ble. Or at least we have for the past two years as COVID has impact­ed near­ly every aspect of all our lives. But as always, a sil­ver lin­ing is start­ing to become clear. Or in this case, I guess, a brass lin­ing – com­plete with 76 trom­bones lead­ing the big parade, with 110...
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Graphic of children's book on textured gray surface
I’ve nev­er been a big fan of rodents, but when they come bear­ing com­pli­ments, that’s anoth­er story. When I opened my email last week I was greet­ed with a delight­ful sur­prise: a mes­sage from Lau­ra Numeroff, cre­ator of the beloved “If You Give a Mouse a Cook­ie” books. You remem­ber them: the New York Times-best­selling children’s...
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Ornaments hang on a Christmas Tree
It was while watch­ing “A Christ­mas Sto­ry” for around the 800th time over the week­end that I real­ized I should prob­a­bly offer Ral­phie a job. Sure, there are some down­sides, most­ly that he’s fic­tion­al, lives in the 1940s and also is nine years old. But the upsides are plen­ti­ful. In his quest to per­suade his par­ents...
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Baby Yoda stands on rocks
Scroll through LinkedIn or flip open any busi­ness mag­a­zine and it seems like the cor­po­rate world col­lec­tive­ly just dis­cov­ered a brand-new con­cept: Empathy. And it’s no won­der: If ever there was a time for lead­ers to flex their emo­tion­al-intel­li­gence mus­cles and try to under­stand what their col­leagues, cus­tomers and com­mu­ni­ties are going through, it’s now. Peo­ple are...
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TV screenshot of owner Brian Bellmont
Recent­ly I took a look at PR role mod­els in pop cul­ture and came up fair­ly emp­ty. Yes, there were a few exag­ger­at­ed char­ac­ters like Saman­tha Jones from “Sex and the City.” But if they didn’t exact­ly spark a rush of peo­ple apply­ing for PR jobs, who did? The like­ly answer: fic­tion­al jour­nal­ists. In the 70s,...
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Retro television sits on table
If there was ever a career rep­re­sent­ed on TV that needs some PR, it’s PR. The small screen is over­flow­ing with cops, doc­tors and lawyers. And espe­cial­ly dur­ing many cur­rent PR prac­ti­tion­ers’ for­ma­tive years – in the 70s, 80s, and 90s – sit-coms and dra­mas fea­tured a vari­ety of well-defined careers for all sorts of icon­ic...
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Brian and Jen Bellmont take selfie with Jason Sudeikis
Some of the pandemic’s most rel­e­vant and res­o­nant lessons about lead­er­ship didn’t come from a high-pro­file CEO’s LinkedIn post. Instead, the mas­ter-lev­el class on what it takes to be a leader was taught by a folksy, opti­mistic, pos­i­tive – and entire­ly fic­tion­al – soc­cer coach. And his sweet mustache. Ted Las­so, per­fect­ly embod­ied by Jason Sudeikis...
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Table of memorabilia from 1990s
Some anniver­saries are worth for­get­ting. Like how it’s now been 15 months since we shut­tered our PR agency’s office and went vir­tu­al, as though we were all sucked into a game of Tron. Hooray..? But for oth­er anniver­saries, you’ve got to par­ty like it’s 1999. Or, more accu­rate­ly, 2011. Ten years ago today, the first book...
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