
At Bell­mont Part­ners, we know and val­ue the impor­tance of work­ing togeth­er as a team, and in using our tal­ents to give back to the com­mu­ni­ty – and we love it when our clients do the same! Cel­e­brat­ing its 10th anniver­sary ear­li­er this year, Radis­son Blu Mall of Amer­i­ca may be best known for its loca­tion...
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We’re more than halfway through 2023, which means it’s the per­fect time to see how PR and com­mu­ni­ca­tion trends are pro­gress­ing. Were they what we expect­ed? What new trends have emerged? Check out indus­try-wide forces impact­ing us all as well as what the Bell­mont Part­ners’ team is seeing. Overall 2023 PR, Communications and Marketing Trends These are the...
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What's Brewing designed graphic with coffee cup and headshot
Bell­mont Part­ners has been work­ing with the com­pa­ny for­mer­ly known as ID Insight on-and-off since just a few years after it launched in 2003. The Min­neapo­lis-based leader in devel­op­ing plat­form-based fraud-pre­ven­tion solu­tions for finan­cial insti­tu­tions has nim­bly shift­ed over the years to nav­i­gate – and stay ahead of – the con­stant­ly chang­ing fraud envi­ron­ment. But...
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Ted Las­so, Ant-Man and Cam from “Mod­ern Fam­i­ly” walk into a hos­pi­tal. Oh, it’s not the set-up for a joke. It’s the real-life recipe for a high-pro­file event that PR prac­ti­tion­ers can glean plen­ty of lessons from. Since 2010, “Big Slick” has been a one-of-a-kind fundrais­ing event that’s gen­er­at­ed more than $16 mil­lion dol­lars for a...
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A man poses with 4 Dalmatian dogs behind a sign that reads Dedicated
While it wasn’t a sur­prise to those of us at Bell­mont Part­ners who know him well, we are thrilled own­er and pres­i­dent Bri­an Bell­mont has been named a Twin Cities Busi­ness 2022 Notable Leader in Mar­ket­ing. This hon­or cel­e­brates busi­ness lead­ers who have nav­i­gat­ed the pan­dem­ic, labor and sup­ply chal­lenges, infla­tion, a social jus­tice move­ment...
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A woman takes a photo of another woman skipping rocks
We live in an era of social media scrolling, and noth­ing can grab your atten­tion bet­ter than a com­pelling pho­to­graph. As a for­mer jour­nal­ist, and for the last 15 years a still pho­tog­ra­ph­er, I’ve learned how impor­tant it is to think strate­gi­cal­ly about pho­tog­ra­phy and how images are used in the mar­ket­ing of your busi­ness....
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neon sign that says "and breathe" placed in greenery
While May is Men­tal Health Aware­ness Month, we know it’s impor­tant to think about men­tal health through­out the whole year. As com­mu­ni­ca­tors and mar­keters, it’s dif­fi­cult to ful­ly step away, as there’s often work right at our fin­ger­tips. This com­bined with all the oth­er stres­sors around us means some­times our men­tal health gets put on...
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A hand holds a digital calendar on a desk with a cup of coffee and a cell phone
As we approach Earth Day, our team has a lot we could and want to say about sus­tain­abil­i­ty. But we had to check our­selves recent­ly, as we often do with our clients, ask­ing things like: What is our role in this con­ver­sa­tion? What’s appro­pri­ate for us to say? Why would our audi­ence care to hear...
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An action figure of Bruce Willis in Die Hard is set on the edge of a buildling
Am I a Bruce Willis fan? Yippee-kay-yay…well, you know the rest. A quick spin through IMDB.com reveals that I’ve seen more than 40 of Willis’s movies at least once, and some – like Die Hard and Pulp Fic­tion – more times than the Nakato­mi Tow­er has floors. The recent news that the for­mer Mr. Demi Moore is step­ping...
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A group of people stand in front of Step&Repeat banner holding whiteboards and wearing hats
It’s been just over three months since we kicked off work to pro­mote tourism to Duluth, and ear­li­er this week we had the plea­sure of debut­ing the new brand and mar­ket­ing cam­paign to more than 100 indus­try mem­bers and city lead­ers in Duluth. This debut was the ear­ly cul­mi­na­tion of our work with our part­ners...
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