
Sarah Schiltz
Bellmont Partner Sarah captures a photo for social media
Think of your favorite Tik­Tok trend right now. I guar­an­tee we’re think­ing of two dif­fer­ent things, because from the time I’m writ­ing this to the time you’re read­ing it, what’s pop­u­lar on the plat­form will have changed entire­ly. This con­stant change is a hall­mark of social media that for some makes it excit­ing, while for...
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Image of coffee mug with headshot of Arik Hanson and Bellmont Partners and Arik Hanson Social Media company logos
Recent­ly, I had the chance to sit down and talk all things social with Arik Han­son, an expert in the field and good friend of Bell­mont Part­ners. As a self-described social media nerd myself, the con­ver­sa­tion focused on trends, impor­tant things for brands to remem­ber and what every­one should stop doing on social media. Here’s...
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neon sign that says "and breathe" placed in greenery
While May is Men­tal Health Aware­ness Month, we know it’s impor­tant to think about men­tal health through­out the whole year. As com­mu­ni­ca­tors and mar­keters, it’s dif­fi­cult to ful­ly step away, as there’s often work right at our fin­ger­tips. This com­bined with all the oth­er stres­sors around us means some­times our men­tal health gets put on...
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