
A reporter and camera person in a flower greenhouse
Sto­ry­telling is some­thing we help our clients with every day at Bell­mont Part­ners. We know own­ing – and shar­ing – your sto­ry is cru­cial for con­nect­ing with poten­tial cus­tomers and ele­vat­ing your busi­ness and brand. Whether it’s a hot top­ic or a news­wor­thy hap­pen­ing, do you know the process to share your sto­ry effectively? Bell­mont...
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Sara snaps a selfie with decorations at a business conference
Ear­li­er this spring, I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to attend my first Nation­al Agri-Mar­ket­ing Con­fer­ence. This annu­al event, host­ed by the Nation­al Agri-Mar­ket­ing Asso­ci­a­tion (NAMA), spans mul­ti­ple days and brought togeth­er sev­er­al hun­dred atten­dees from across the nation to con­nect, learn and inspire. And it did just that. With pages of notes and a stack of...
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Bellmont Partners supports a client in setting up technology at an event
Com­mu­ni­ca­tions are a strate­gic imper­a­tive for tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­nies look­ing to gain and keep a com­pet­i­tive edge. With com­plex offer­ings and a wide range of audi­ences, tech com­pa­nies need to be able to clear­ly artic­u­late tech­ni­cal details as well as the val­ue of their solu­tions to share­hold­ers, sales, mar­ket­ing and non-tech­ni­cal customers. Bell­mont Part­ners is one of...
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A couple takes a selfie with a beautiful Duluth sunset
Inclu­sion and rep­re­sen­ta­tion in com­mu­ni­ca­tions and mar­ket­ing isn’t just one ini­tia­tive or cam­paign – it’s some­thing that must be woven into every­thing we do and backed up with actions. Not only is this the right thing to do, it’s also a wise busi­ness deci­sion in a con­sumer world that keeps get­ting more and more diverse,...
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We’re more than halfway through 2023, which means it’s the per­fect time to see how PR and com­mu­ni­ca­tion trends are pro­gress­ing. Were they what we expect­ed? What new trends have emerged? Check out indus­try-wide forces impact­ing us all as well as what the Bell­mont Part­ners’ team is seeing. Overall 2023 PR, Communications and Marketing Trends These are the...
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Reporters listen to the governor speak at a ceremonial bill signing
The 2023 leg­isla­tive ses­sion is under­way, and it’s been a busy one in Saint Paul! Clients across our prac­tice groups are meet­ing with leg­is­la­tors, sup­port­ing bills, tes­ti­fy­ing and more to inspire polit­i­cal change.  Our Pro­fes­sion­al Ser­vices and Pub­lic Affairs Group is poised with the knowl­edge and exper­tise to help break down com­mu­ni­ca­tion bar­ri­ers and help you...
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Ted Las­so, Ant-Man and Cam from “Mod­ern Fam­i­ly” walk into a hos­pi­tal. Oh, it’s not the set-up for a joke. It’s the real-life recipe for a high-pro­file event that PR prac­ti­tion­ers can glean plen­ty of lessons from. Since 2010, “Big Slick” has been a one-of-a-kind fundrais­ing event that’s gen­er­at­ed more than $16 mil­lion dol­lars for a...
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A group of women sit chatting in a break room
We’re excit­ed to share that Kalli Plump, a Bell­mont Part­ners senior account exec­u­tive, has been named a Ris­ing Young Pro­fes­sion­al by Finance & Com­merce. The award rec­og­nizes those who have demon­strat­ed lead­er­ship, con­tributed to their com­mu­ni­ty and suc­cess­ful­ly achieved pos­i­tive out­comes ear­ly in their career – all attrib­ut­es that per­fect­ly describe Kalli. Kalli plays a sig­nif­i­cant...
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Hands write in a notebook next to a coffee cup and open laptop
As we round out anoth­er year, it’s the per­fect time to reflect on our suc­cess­es of the past year, the oppor­tu­ni­ties ahead and what we’ve learned over the past 12 months when it comes to the ways in which we help our clients com­mu­ni­cate with their stakeholders. With 2022 plan­ning in full swing, we’ve asked...
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It’s not exact­ly break­ing news that the past two years have been tough on the media. And in Min­neso­ta, prob­a­bly no out­let has faced stronger head­winds recent­ly than Upsize Mag­a­zine. When the region­al busi­ness magazine’s co-founder and pub­lish­er Wes Bergstrom died in Spring 2020, the pub­li­ca­tion went on hia­tus, fac­ing an uncer­tain future. Enter Andy Tel­li­john....
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