
Three women smiling
We’re excit­ed to announce Bre­an­na Welke has been named direc­tor of brand strat­e­gy at Bell­mont Part­ners, and Erin Lil­lien­crantz and Emma Strub have been pro­mot­ed to assis­tant account executives. Bre­an­na joined Bell­mont Part­ners in ear­ly 2016 as a group account direc­tor. Since then, she has tak­en a lead role in expand­ing the agency’s brand­ing and strat­e­gy...
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people listening to speaker on stage
Bell­mont Part­ners has always worked with inno­v­a­tive, growth-ori­ent­ed com­pa­nies, and nowhere was that focus more on dis­play than at last night’s Eure­ka! Inno­va­tion Awards: The Minneapolis/St. Paul Busi­ness Jour­nal rec­og­nized four of our Min­neso­ta-based clients for their cre­ativ­i­ty, inno­va­tion and progress, including: Anti-fraud tech­nol­o­gy soft­ware com­pa­ny ID Insight, for its Search Engine Encryp­tion Kit, which com­piles secure infor­ma­tion quick­ly...
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Powerpoint slide
As Min­neso­ta gears up to host a cer­tain high-pro­file foot­ball game next Feb­ru­ary (for the first time in 25 years), local mar­keters are already work­ing to pre­pare for and get the most out of the big event. To help these pro­fes­sion­als make smart mar­ket­ing deci­sions, Bell­mont Part­ners teamed up with Arik Han­son of ACH Com­mu­ni­ca­tions to host...
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TedX empty stage
Here at Bell­mont Part­ners, we’re strong believ­ers in not focus­ing sole­ly on our local, urban com­mu­ni­ties, but also con­nect­ing with the many busi­ness­es, peo­ple and com­mu­ni­ties in Greater Min­neso­ta. We work with orga­ni­za­tions all across the state, as well as across the coun­try. With that in mind, I was for­tu­nate to attend TEDxBemidji’s first-ever event,...
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Hydei Nelson photo on award
Con­grat­u­la­tions to 2017 32 Under 32 win­ner Hye­di Nel­son, who was select­ed from more than 100 nom­i­nees in Ad Fed Minnesota’s annu­al recog­ni­tion of the best young tal­ent in the mar­ket­ing, adver­tis­ing and pub­lic rela­tions industry. As an account super­vi­sor at Bell­mont Part­ners, Hye­di has tak­en a lead­er­ship role in estab­lish­ing the firm’s med-tech and health...
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Podium on stage
Busi­ness is boom­ing for Minnesota’s mak­ers, from the Metro to the Iron Range and every­where in-between. This year’s ninth-annu­al State of Man­u­fac­tur­ing Sur­vey from Enter­prise Min­neso­ta, shared at an event on May 9, revealed a strong sense of opti­mism among Min­neso­ta man­u­fac­tur­ers. We attend­ed the event with our man­u­fac­tur­ing and non-man­u­fac­tur­ing clients alike in mind, as...
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We’re proud to have been named one of the top small agen­cies in Amer­i­ca after earn­ing a final­ist nod in this year’s Ragan & PR Daily’s 2016 Ace Awards. Accord­ing to Ragan & PR Dai­ly, the awards high­light “the com­mu­ni­ca­tions pro­fes­sion­als, in-house teams and agen­cies behind the most impres­sive work of the year. These prac­ti­tion­ers are...
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Bellmont employees at volunteering events
Three years ago, I attend­ed an event at the Weis­man Art Muse­um on the Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta cam­pus host­ed by the Cen­ter for Girls’ Lead­er­ship – a small-but-mighty non­prof­it ded­i­cat­ed to inspir­ing girls today to lead tomor­row. I imme­di­ate­ly want­ed to get involved, but – con­sid­er­ing my hec­tic col­lege senior sched­ule – I put my name on...
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Bellmont group photo
We had a fan­tas­tic time at the Min­neso­ta PRSA Clas­sics Awards last night, hon­or­ing our town’s best and bright­est strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tors and cel­e­brat­ing the great­est work and achieve­ments of our local PR community. It was a treat to vis­it The Machine Shop and take in the beau­ti­ful sights of the his­toric, spa­cious venue. Bell­mont Part­ners took home the win...
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Table discussion
How do the words “con­tent mar­ket­ing” make you feel? Over­whelmed? Excit­ed? Or, maybe, a bit lost? No mat­ter where you are in your con­tent mar­ket­ing jour­ney, one thing is for sure —it isn’t going away any time soon, and for good rea­son. A strong con­tent mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy is essen­tial for any mar­keter when it comes...
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