
MN State Capitol
The 94th Min­neso­ta Leg­is­la­ture con­vened (par­tial­ly) on Jan­u­ary 14th and it’s been a roller­coast­er!  The House is where the major­i­ty of the tumult occurred and after much debate from both sides of the aisle, a pow­er-shar­ing agree­ment is now in place and they are con­duct­ing busi­ness (albeit delayed and also while approach­ing a spe­cial elec­tion...
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We’re thrilled to wel­come Mic­ah Car­roll as our newest team mem­ber and Account Exec­u­tive! Mic­ah comes to Bell­mont Part­ners with a strong writ­ing and media rela­tions back­ground, a thought­ful and cre­ative client approach, and a col­lab­o­ra­tive atti­tude. He recent­ly land­ed cov­er­age with NPR, Huff­Post, CBS News and many indus­try trade pub­li­ca­tions that our clients fre­quent­ly...
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Trends for thought leadership
This time of year, trends and pre­dic­tions con­tent is in high demand and can be a gold­mine for your organization’s PR/marketing cam­paigns, exec­u­tive thought lead­er­ship, blog con­tent, social media posts and oth­er com­mu­ni­ca­tions chan­nels. It’s an ide­al time to reflect on key trends that have impact­ed your busi­ness, indus­try and mar­ket activ­i­ty over the past year....
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This fall, many of us worked or vol­un­teered along­side client Twin Cities Habi­tat for Human­i­ty at the 2024 Jim­my & Ros­alynn Carter Work Project, help­ing media share the sto­ries of the week-long marathon that built 30 homes in St. Paul, thanks to the work of more than 4,000 vol­un­teers, all to bring more afford­able home­own­er­ship...
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Team meeting about key messaging.
If giv­en an hour, peo­ple can typ­i­cal­ly weave their way toward hit­ting most of their brand’s key mes­sages. It gets a lot hard­er when there’s only space for a cou­ple sen­tences on a web page, or if you have just a few min­utes with a jour­nal­ist, poten­tial client or investor. There can be so much...
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Making an Impact with Your Annual Report
As we pre­pare to turn the page on anoth­er cal­en­dar year, the Bell­mont Part­ners team is hard at work craft­ing annu­al reports for sev­er­al clients. Although legal­ly required for cor­po­ra­tions, annu­al reports and impact book­lets are a pow­er­ful tool for all kinds of busi­ness­es and non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions to show­case their wins from the past year. Typ­i­cal­ly,...
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Internal promotions
Doing career-best work on behalf of clients isn’t just ful­fill­ing – it also con­tin­u­al­ly push­es our team to deep­en their skills, take on new respon­si­bil­i­ties and hone their lead­er­ship qual­i­ties. We’re excit­ed to share four team mem­bers have been pro­mot­ed recent­ly:   Kalli Plump is now Asso­ciate Direc­tor + Pub­lic Affairs Lead. Kalli is an all-around...
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Fundrais­er events come in many sizes. From blowout, star-stud­ded galas to small scale pan­cake break­fasts, no mat­ter the size, the core of these events is the need to suc­cess­ful­ly engage guests and bring in donor dollars. At Bell­mont Part­ners, we have sup­port­ed sev­er­al of our non­prof­it clients through fundrais­ers big and small. Here are best prac­tices...
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We’re excit­ed to wel­come our newest team mem­ber, Saman­tha Lieb­hard, as an Account Strate­gist! With more than 12 years of inte­grat­ed agency expe­ri­ence, Saman­tha brings not only her com­mu­ni­ca­tions and account man­age­ment exper­tise, but also her can-do atti­tude, enthu­si­asm and effi­cien­cy to our clients and team. She’s already learn­ing all about elec­tron­ic com­po­nents and med­ical...
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What's Brewing banner featuring Becky Hauschild
We’ve final­ly reached that time of year when we can dive into cher­ished fall tra­di­tions like pick­ing Min­neso­ta Grown apples, bundling up to watch soc­cer and foot­ball games under the sta­di­um lights, and vis­it­ing some of our favorite leaf peep­ing spots. But did you know that anoth­er Min­neso­ta fall tra­di­tion was start­ed by a group...
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