
May 2023
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As a peo­ple-first orga­ni­za­tion, we embrace each per­son on our team – and each per­son we work with – as an indi­vid­ual. We also believe our sum is greater than our parts. Here at Bell­mont Part­ners, we strive to help each per­son real­ize their poten­tial while pool­ing our skills, expe­ri­ence and quirks to cre­ate a...
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What's Brewing Graphic
Have you ever met some­one that was so inspir­ing, you knew you had to be a part of what they were doing? For us, that was the team at Abijah’s. We met them at Can­ter­bury Park last fall to learn more about their pro­gram, which pro­vides men­tal health ther­a­py to first respon­ders, vet­er­ans, and back­side...
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Here at Bell­mont Part­ners, we believe that “work-life bal­ance” isn’t just a buzz­word: it’s a cen­tral pil­lar to our cul­ture. We know that we’re bet­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tors, cre­atives and peo­ple when we feel con­fi­dent in tak­ing time to care for our­selves and our loved ones. One of the core ways we sup­port work-life bal­ance is by...
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A group of people post in front of a banner holding an award plaque
With many com­mu­ni­ca­tions and mar­ket­ing teams con­tin­u­al­ly work­ing to keep mul­ti­ple plates spin­ning at the same time, why are award pro­grams worth the time and effort? On the heels of recent award wins for our team and clients, we want­ed to share our thoughts about this question. Rec­og­nize employees We know peo­ple are our best assets at...
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Two people stand at a counter talking
We are thrilled to wel­come our newest team mem­ber, Katie Fitz­patrick, as Direc­tor, Account Strat­e­gy! Katie brings more than 20 years of agency expe­ri­ence in strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tions and account man­age­ment to the team, and she’s already putting her knowl­edge to work for clients with­in our Pro­fes­sion­al Ser­vices & Pub­lic Affairs and Tech­nol­o­gy & Man­u­fac­tur­ing prac­tice groups....
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A woman is interviewed sitting on a couch
We are excit­ed to wel­come Kath­leen Hen­nessy to the Bell­mont Part­ners team as vice pres­i­dent. Kath­leen brings a wealth of knowl­edge from her years as an expe­ri­enced com­mu­ni­ca­tions pro­fes­sion­al and writer. She start­ed her career in broad­cast jour­nal­ism and then went into the agency world work­ing as the chief mar­ket­ing offi­cer for a local mar­ket­ing...
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Q1 Clients Blog
One thing that brings us joy is the amaz­ing mix of clients we get to work with each day. From long-stand­ing part­ner­ships to rela­tion­ships that are just begin­ning, the vari­ety of indus­tries, projects and clients with whom we have the priv­i­lege to work keeps things fresh while also pro­vid­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­tin­ue strength­en­ing our...
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