
As a peo­ple-first orga­ni­za­tion, we embrace each per­son on our team – and each per­son we work with – as an indi­vid­ual. We also believe our sum is greater than our parts. Here at Bell­mont Part­ners, we strive to help each per­son real­ize their poten­tial while pool­ing our skills, expe­ri­ence and quirks to cre­ate a...
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Two people stand at a counter talking
We are thrilled to wel­come our newest team mem­ber, Katie Fitz­patrick, as Direc­tor, Account Strat­e­gy! Katie brings more than 20 years of agency expe­ri­ence in strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tions and account man­age­ment to the team, and she’s already putting her knowl­edge to work for clients with­in our Pro­fes­sion­al Ser­vices & Pub­lic Affairs and Tech­nol­o­gy & Man­u­fac­tur­ing prac­tice groups....
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A woman is interviewed sitting on a couch
We are excit­ed to wel­come Kath­leen Hen­nessy to the Bell­mont Part­ners team as vice pres­i­dent. Kath­leen brings a wealth of knowl­edge from her years as an expe­ri­enced com­mu­ni­ca­tions pro­fes­sion­al and writer. She start­ed her career in broad­cast jour­nal­ism and then went into the agency world work­ing as the chief mar­ket­ing offi­cer for a local mar­ket­ing...
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Graphic of three headshots in circle frames
As Bell­mont Part­ners has con­tin­ued to grow – adding both new team mem­bers and new projects to our mix – it’s also been excit­ing to see long­time team mem­bers enhance their skills and take lead­er­ship roles in a num­ber of areas. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the pro­mo­tion of three peo­ple, all who have...
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Two women sit talking
We’re excit­ed to wel­come Gretchen Sitzer to the Bell­mont Part­ners team as a project man­ag­er! From her ear­ly career as an Eng­lish teacher to her pas­sion for project man­age­ment, Gretchen com­bines her love for sto­ry­telling with an abil­i­ty to help dri­ve projects for­ward in an orga­nized fash­ion. In her new role, Gretchen works across the...
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A group of people pose together on an outdoor patio balcony
As Bell­mont Part­ners has been nav­i­gat­ing record-break­ing growth — we’ve grown more than 60 per­cent over the past three years — one of the pri­or­i­ties we’ve been focus­ing on is ensur­ing our agency’s pri­or­i­ties and needs align with our team members’. As if on cue, a few weeks ago the Minneapolis/St. Paul Busi­ness Jour­nal (MSPBJ) ran...
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Two women sit on a couch talking
One of our newest addi­tions to the Bell­mont Part­ners team, Mad­die Michaud joined us right before the hol­i­days and has been hit­ting the ground run­ning get­ting inte­grat­ed on sev­er­al of our tech­nol­o­gy & man­u­fac­tur­ing prac­tice clients, as well as sev­er­al inter­nal com­mit­tees like our DE&I com­mit­tee and our agency mar­ket­ing team. We sat down with Mad­die...
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Two women sit in a lounge chatting
With years of expe­ri­ence across a wide vari­ety of com­mu­ni­ca­tions dis­ci­plines, Stacey Robert­son is a wel­come addi­tion to the Bell­mont Part­ners team! As an account strate­gist, Stacey is already putting her sig­nif­i­cant jour­nal­ism, brand, writ­ing and client-ser­vice exper­tise to work for clients across the agency. We sat down with Stacey to learn a bit more about...
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Two women sit in a lounge chatting
For the past cou­ple of weeks, we have had fun get­ting to know a new mem­ber of our team, Amy Moon! Amy’s strong back­ground in mar­ket­ing from her pre­vi­ous roles is a tremen­dous asset to the clients she now serves at Bell­mont Part­ners. Plus, her pos­i­tive ener­gy and enthu­si­as­tic spir­it make her a great team member....
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Two women sit on a couch talking
In ear­ly Novem­ber, Bell­mont Part­ners wel­comed a new Senior Account Exec­u­tive to the team. Her arrival feels a bit like a full-cir­cle moment for some of us. After 16 years sup­port­ing var­i­ous projects on behalf of Mid­west Dairy and more than 5,000 dairy farm­ers through­out the region – includ­ing Minnesota’s famous Princess Kay of the Milky...
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