
Graphic of three headshots in circle frames
As Bell­mont Part­ners has con­tin­ued to grow – adding both new team mem­bers and new projects to our mix – it’s also been excit­ing to see long­time team mem­bers enhance their skills and take lead­er­ship roles in a num­ber of areas. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the pro­mo­tion of three peo­ple, all who have...
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Graphic with headshot announcing promotion
As Bell­mont Part­ners con­tin­ues to grow, our team mem­bers are as well, and we’re hap­py to announce that Julie Goulette has been pro­mot­ed to Assis­tant Account Exec­u­tive. Julie joined the Bell­mont Part­ners team in 2019, and she’s been a big con­trib­u­tor ever since. In the wake of the pan­dem­ic, her focus on agency oper­a­tions and...
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Headshot of Breanna Welke with text "Vice President"
As Bell­mont Part­ners con­tin­ues its record growth, we’re excit­ed to announce the pro­mo­tion of Bre­an­na Welke to vice pres­i­dent. Since join­ing Bell­mont Part­ners in ear­ly 2016, she has tak­en a lead role in expand­ing the agency’s brand­ing and posi­tion­ing con­sult­ing across all clients, with a focus on com­mu­ni­ca­tions plan­ning, mes­sag­ing, audi­ence, posi­tion­ing and engage­ment, as...
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Headshots of Maureen and Bridget in blue and orange circles
As Bell­mont Part­ners con­tin­ues its record growth, our pub­lic rela­tions agency is thrilled to announce two major moves that will mean big things for our clients, agency and community. After work­ing close­ly with Bell­mont Part­ners as a strate­gic part­ner since June 2020, long­time pub­lic rela­tions coun­selor Mau­reen Cahill is join­ing the agency full-time as a part­ner....
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Headshots of six Bellmont employees
It’s been just over six months since Bell­mont Part­ners shift­ed to a ful­ly remote oper­a­tion, and every day that goes by it’s becom­ing more clear how impor­tant our team has been to our agency’s sur­vival and suc­cess dur­ing the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of us has played a crit­i­cal, dis­tinct role, from pro­vid­ing fast-turn, inno­v­a­tive sup­port for...
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