
Graphic with coffee cup and woman's headshot
Through­out the past few years, while many sum­mer pro­grams have had to push pause on pro­gram­ming, Three­Six­ty Jour­nal­ism, hasn’t stopped mov­ing. This non­prof­it mul­ti­me­dia pro­gram for high school­ers “trains and sup­ports the next gen­er­a­tion of diverse thinkers, com­mu­ni­ca­tors, and lead­ers.” And they know that espe­cial­ly in today’s world, a com­mit­ment to dis­trib­ute the truth is...
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Person with camera records two people talking in an apple orchard
Dur­ing my near­ly 14-year career as a jour­nal­ist, I received my fair share of pitch­es from pub­lic rela­tions agen­cies that high­light­ed the good aspects of a com­pa­ny, prod­uct or orga­ni­za­tion. Some were help­ful. I craft­ed numer­ous sto­ries sparked by an idea from a pitch or report­ed time­ly news from infor­ma­tion gath­ered from these pro­fes­sion­als; how­ev­er,...
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TV screenshot of owner Brian Bellmont
Recent­ly I took a look at PR role mod­els in pop cul­ture and came up fair­ly emp­ty. Yes, there were a few exag­ger­at­ed char­ac­ters like Saman­tha Jones from “Sex and the City.” But if they didn’t exact­ly spark a rush of peo­ple apply­ing for PR jobs, who did? The like­ly answer: fic­tion­al jour­nal­ists. In the 70s,...
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