
Students in orange shirts taking a group photo
Do you remem­ber your first job? From tele­mar­ket­ing to pack­ag­ing Hal­loween make­up to serv­ing at a restau­rant, we’ve all been there. A com­mon say­ing at my first job was “you got time to lean, you got time to clean.” Lit­tle did we know our first job expe­ri­ences would shape the busi­ness skills we use every...
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Bellmont logo on glass
We received two pieces of news this week that we’re thrilled to share. The first is that Ragan Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and PR Dai­ly named Bell­mont Part­ners the Ace Awards Pub­lic Rela­tions Agency of the Year. We’re incred­i­bly hon­ored by this recog­ni­tion, espe­cial­ly when read­ing the goal of the awards pro­gram: “Our goal: to hon­or the indi­vid­u­als, agen­cies...
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Black and White photo of butter sculpting
News-dis­tri­b­u­tion ser­vice PR Newswire is cel­e­brat­ing its 60th anniver­sary this month, and they’ve asked sev­er­al agen­cies around the coun­try to rumi­nate on how the com­mu­ni­ca­tions indus­try has changed over the past six decades. From our per­spec­tive, it’s been an, er, udder­ly wild ride. One of our clients, the Mid­west Dairy Asso­ci­a­tion, cel­e­brat­ed a sim­i­lar mile­stone last year as...
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People on the patio
After what felt like the longest win­ter ever, we cel­e­brat­ed our new Edi­na office — and spring — in style yes­ter­day with a “Bell­mont Bash” open house. It was a ter­rif­ic evening of social­iz­ing with clients, busi­ness part­ners, friends and fam­i­lies over food and drinks. We had a blast intro­duc­ing par­ty-goers to one anoth­er and...
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Women taking photo of coworkers
Hap­py New Year! For us at Bell­mont Part­ners, the start of 2014 means the start of anoth­er adven­ture – with a brand-new address. We’ve offi­cial­ly out­grown our space in Pri­or Lake, Minn., and over the past few days we’ve been pack­ing up our desks, lap­tops and trade mag­a­zines in prepa­ra­tion for our move. Today we’re set­tling into our...
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