
TV screenshot of owner Brian Bellmont
Recent­ly I took a look at PR role mod­els in pop cul­ture and came up fair­ly emp­ty. Yes, there were a few exag­ger­at­ed char­ac­ters like Saman­tha Jones from “Sex and the City.” But if they didn’t exact­ly spark a rush of peo­ple apply­ing for PR jobs, who did? The like­ly answer: fic­tion­al jour­nal­ists. In the 70s,...
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People stand together in front of fireplace
As Bell­mont Part­ners cel­e­brates 25 years, a core pri­or­i­ty as the agency’s grown has been to cul­ti­vate an orga­ni­za­tion that focus­es on empow­er­ing employ­ees and sup­port­ing one anoth­er to become bet­ter pro­fes­sion­als. Recent­ly, we were hon­ored to be named one of Min­neapo­lis-St. Paul Busi­ness Journal’s Best Places to Work – for the fourth time –...
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Retro television sits on table
If there was ever a career rep­re­sent­ed on TV that needs some PR, it’s PR. The small screen is over­flow­ing with cops, doc­tors and lawyers. And espe­cial­ly dur­ing many cur­rent PR prac­ti­tion­ers’ for­ma­tive years – in the 70s, 80s, and 90s – sit-coms and dra­mas fea­tured a vari­ety of well-defined careers for all sorts of icon­ic...
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People sit on couch during newscast
When each day is con­stant­ly full of break­ing news, and cir­cum­stances around the world – both big and small – seem to always be in flux, how do you max­i­mize your media rela­tions efforts and cut through the noise? We’ve put togeth­er four ele­ments from our strate­gic approach that help us con­nect with jour­nal­ists, share...
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Laptop on desk showing data graphs
The U.S. Cen­sus Bureau recent­ly released results from the 2020 Cen­sus, high­light­ing new changes and trends in com­mu­ni­ties across the country. While the data will be used to deter­mine leg­isla­tive seats for upcom­ing elec­tions over the next decade, there are plen­ty of insights to be gained from the accom­pa­ny­ing demo­graph­ic data from a com­mu­ni­ca­tions standpoint. As com­mu­ni­ca­tors,...
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Invitation to Bellmont Partners, Second Harvest Heartland Share Nonprofit-Anniversary Expertise event
Your nonprofit’s big anniver­sary is on the hori­zon – how can you max­i­mize the mile­stone so it shines the spot­light on your orga­ni­za­tion while build­ing aware­ness and boost­ing your abil­i­ty to fundraise? Account Super­vi­sor Bri­ana Grue­newald and clients Megan Muske, chief devel­op­ment offi­cer, Sec­ond Har­vest Heart­land; and Dana Nel­son, prin­ci­pal and founder, DCN Strate­gies, shared their...
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sunset through a glass lightbulb
Cre­ativ­i­ty is a fun­ny lit­tle friend that can show up when you least expect it and, on days when we feel in a rut, can be elu­sive and hard to come by. Work­ing in a cre­ative field doesn’t guar­an­tee a free flow of ideas at all times. We have to find it, fos­ter it and...
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A man and women stand by the fearless girl statue
As part of its “Day in the Life” series, PR Dai­ly inter­viewed Bell­mont Part­ners Pres­i­dent Bri­an Bell­mont about his “tips and tac­tics for suc­cess amid a resur­gent economy.” The wide-rang­ing dis­cus­sion cov­ers top­ics includ­ing why prac­tic­ing empa­thy is Brian’s top mes­sage for 2021, what makes him hope­ful about the future of PR, and why our agency...
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Since it first launched in 2016, Bell­mont Part­ners has been part­ner­ing with the Min­neso­ta Fire­fight­er Ini­tia­tive (MnFIRE) to pro­vide Minnesota’s fire­fight­ers the tools they need to pri­or­i­tize and pro­tect their health, and we couldn’t be more grate­ful for this ongo­ing, inspir­ing work that’s lit­er­al­ly sav­ing lives. As for­mer Rich­field fire chief, Wayne Kewitsch has brought 24...
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Princess Kay finalist sitting to get her face carved in butter
Fea­tured Pho­to Cour­tesy Becky Church Photography As COVID restric­tions are lift­ed and peo­ple begin to gath­er again, we want­ed to reflect on the whirl­wind of the past 16 months – specif­i­cal­ly when it comes to events. What did we learn? How will this affect events mov­ing forward? We posed those ques­tions and more to three of...
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