
November 2021
Person sits at conference table being interviewed
Intro­duc­ing our newest team mem­ber, account coor­di­na­tor Chioma Uwag­wu. Chioma is a 2020 grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of St. Thomas in St. Paul, where she majored in – deep breath – com­mu­ni­ca­tion and jour­nal­ism with an empha­sis in per­sua­sion and social influ­ence and a dou­ble major in cul­tur­al studies. As you might expect from that mul­ti-faceted...
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Reporters gather at award presentation
How many times have you watched or read a news sto­ry and laughed, teared up or were inspired to act or learn more? Chances are, that sto­ry fea­tured a per­son you con­nect­ed with. Or, in my case, some­times, a dog. When we start work­ing with a client, and through­out our part­ner­ship, we try to look for...
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Four women sit around conference table
We talk a lot about the peo­ple of Bell­mont Part­ners, and how our agency cul­ture dri­ves our abil­i­ty to deliv­er excel­lent results for our clients and our community. We’ve received a lot of atten­tion for the work we do, and we’re extreme­ly proud of that. But today, we’ve been rec­og­nized for the most crit­i­cal foun­da­tion­al ele­ment...
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Brown index card with three shapes that reads Pop Culture Incorporated: Five Marketing Lessons from Squid Game
Netflix’s mas­sive hit “Squid Game” is packed with nail-nib­bling ten­sion, heart­less dou­ble-cross­es and cut-throat (lit­er­al­ly) com­pe­ti­tion. If you haven’t seen it, imag­ine the chaos and cal­cu­la­tion of a throng of peo­ple angling to score the last Tick­le Me Elmo on the shelf in 1996, only with a lot more green tracksuits. Mil­lions of words have been...
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Headshot of Breanna Welke with text "Vice President"
As Bell­mont Part­ners con­tin­ues its record growth, we’re excit­ed to announce the pro­mo­tion of Bre­an­na Welke to vice pres­i­dent. Since join­ing Bell­mont Part­ners in ear­ly 2016, she has tak­en a lead role in expand­ing the agency’s brand­ing and posi­tion­ing con­sult­ing across all clients, with a focus on com­mu­ni­ca­tions plan­ning, mes­sag­ing, audi­ence, posi­tion­ing and engage­ment, as...
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Group of eight gathered in formal wear
It was a mem­o­rable and emo­tion­al week­end as Part­ner Mau­reen Cahill received the Cham­pi­on of Hope award from Smile Net­work on Sat­ur­day, Oct. 30. Mau­reen has a deep rela­tion­ship with the orga­ni­za­tion, the vol­un­teers, part­ners and the mis­sion. She served as exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Min­neso­ta-based glob­al non­prof­it from 2012 through 2020, after serv­ing on its...
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