
February 2021
Laptop with multicolored icons
One of my favorite things about work­ing at an agency is the vari­ety – from the amount and type of clients I get to work with on a week­ly basis, to the range of skills I get to flex. One day I can be coor­di­nat­ing sto­ries about a university’s inno­v­a­tive pro­gram with local media and...
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stack of books in window sill
Curios­i­ty is a trait all of us here at Bell­mont Part­ners share, which bodes well as we often take deep dives into many dif­fer­ent indus­tries and orga­ni­za­tions for our work. Beyond our dai­ly learn­ings at the (home) office, we also enjoy immers­ing our­selves in read­ing to learn some­thing new, find an escape, and work to...
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Four people in the Taste of the NFL kitchen
For near­ly a year, COVID-19 has changed the world, from the way we live, work and trav­el, to how we enter­tain and cel­e­brate events. And the biggest sport­ing and pop-cul­ture event of the year, Super Bowl LV, was no exception. In Sep­tem­ber 2020, Bell­mont Part­ners and our part­ner Cahill Com­mu­ni­ca­tions kicked off plan­ning with GENY­OUth, the...
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