
women in communications
Three people in front of a TV
I’m fond of quot­ing not­ed 20th-cen­tu­ry philoso­pher Fer­ris Bueller: “Life moves pret­ty fast. If you don’t stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it.” Last week, our team gave our agency’s part­ners – Jen Bell­mont, Shel­li Lis­sick and me – a refresh­er course in just how impor­tant, and how effec­tive, it...
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People siting around a table
Any­one who’s met Bell­mont Part­ners COO Jen Bell­mont knows how com­mit­ted she is to her clients, col­leagues and com­mu­ni­ty – and now our indus­try has made it offi­cial. Ragan’s and PR Dai­ly have announced that Jen is one of this year’s Top Women in Communications. Accord­ing to Ragan’s and PR Dai­ly, the awards hon­or “those...
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