
Reporters gather at award presentation
How many times have you watched or read a news sto­ry and laughed, teared up or were inspired to act or learn more? Chances are, that sto­ry fea­tured a per­son you con­nect­ed with. Or, in my case, some­times, a dog. When we start work­ing with a client, and through­out our part­ner­ship, we try to look for...
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People sit on couch during newscast
When each day is con­stant­ly full of break­ing news, and cir­cum­stances around the world – both big and small – seem to always be in flux, how do you max­i­mize your media rela­tions efforts and cut through the noise? We’ve put togeth­er four ele­ments from our strate­gic approach that help us con­nect with jour­nal­ists, share...
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