
Our Team
Andrew Fritz meets with the team to share office technology updates
In Bell­mont Part­ners’ 28-year his­to­ry, our work­spaces have evolved near­ly as much as our team and the pub­lic rela­tions indus­try as a whole have in that time­frame. From work­ing from home before WFH was a thing, to cre­at­ing an ear­ly office in a for­mer work­out stu­dio in Pri­or Lake, to being pio­neers of hybrid work...
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Shelli leads Sam's Q&A!
As the cal­en­dar flips over to a new year; what bet­ter time to wel­come a new team mem­ber? We’re hap­py to intro­duce Sam Zen­der, the most recent addi­tion to Bell­mont Part­ners’ Pro­fes­sion­al Ser­vices and Pub­lic Affairs team. Sam has put his wealth of exper­tise in every­thing from PR to cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions to state gov­ern­ment affairs to...
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Madelyn discusses her goals with her supervisor
We’re excit­ed to wel­come and intro­duce you to our newest team mem­ber: Made­lyn Eli­zon­do, Assis­tant Account Executive! After grad­u­at­ing from Coastal Car­oli­na Uni­ver­si­ty in South Car­oli­na, Made­lyn began her PR career at a strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tions firm in the Char­lotte, NC, area. Orig­i­nal­ly from Min­neso­ta, Made­lyn recent­ly returned to the Twin Cities. We sat down with Made­lyn to...
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