
Since it first launched in 2016, Bell­mont Part­ners has been part­ner­ing with the Min­neso­ta Fire­fight­er Ini­tia­tive (MnFIRE) to pro­vide Minnesota’s fire­fight­ers the tools they need to pri­or­i­tize and pro­tect their health, and we couldn’t be more grate­ful for this ongo­ing, inspir­ing work that’s lit­er­al­ly sav­ing lives. As for­mer Rich­field fire chief, Wayne Kewitsch has brought 24...
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People gathered by podium at MN Firefighter health event
It’s a land­mark and emo­tion­al day for Minnesota’s fire ser­vice and for us at Bell­mont Part­ners: Our state leg­is­la­ture passed the Home­town Heroes Assis­tance Pro­gram, which ensures that every Min­neso­ta fire­fight­er will have access to edu­ca­tion, pre­ven­tion and care need­ed to han­dle a car­diac, emo­tion­al trau­ma or can­cer diag­no­sis. We are grate­ful to be a...
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