
The hos­pi­tal­i­ty and ser­vice indus­try took – and con­tin­ues to take – a mas­sive blow due to the pan­dem­ic. Cre­ativ­i­ty and inno­va­tion have been the name of the game for stay­ing afloat amid man­dates and ill­ness. For FINNEGANS Brew Co. – one of the very first craft brew­eries in the Twin Cities – those con­cepts...
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‘Tis the sea­son for grat­i­tude, of which we have plen­ty. Our clients and part­ners remain among the list of peo­ple and orga­ni­za­tions we are grate­ful for, and we’re excit­ed to share that our ros­ter has expand­ed. Recent­ly, our Tourism and Hos­pi­tal­i­ty prac­tice group has had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to start part­ner­ing with these new clients. We’re...
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