
communications strategy
We’re thrilled to wel­come Mic­ah Car­roll as our newest team mem­ber and Account Exec­u­tive! Mic­ah comes to Bell­mont Part­ners with a strong writ­ing and media rela­tions back­ground, a thought­ful and cre­ative client approach, and a col­lab­o­ra­tive atti­tude. He recent­ly land­ed cov­er­age with NPR, Huff­Post, CBS News and many indus­try trade pub­li­ca­tions that our clients fre­quent­ly...
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Trends for thought leadership
This time of year, trends and pre­dic­tions con­tent is in high demand and can be a gold­mine for your organization’s PR/marketing cam­paigns, exec­u­tive thought lead­er­ship, blog con­tent, social media posts and oth­er com­mu­ni­ca­tions chan­nels. It’s an ide­al time to reflect on key trends that have impact­ed your busi­ness, indus­try and mar­ket activ­i­ty over the past year....
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