
Apple tree
The change of sea­sons from sum­mer to fall is one that many of us at Bell­mont Part­ners love – from the crisp morn­ings and the col­or­ful leaves, to the trips to the orchard and the bus­tle of har­vest. This year, we also wel­comed autumn with two projects that high­light­ed the beau­ty and the impor­tance of...
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Michelle and Breanna holding an award
Bell­mont Part­ners is proud to add a new award to our shelf – a 2018 Gold­en ARC Award from the Ag Rela­tions Coun­cil – for our work last fall on a social media cam­paign on behalf of Mid­west Dairy. Mid­west Dairy was look­ing for a way to authen­ti­cal­ly con­nect con­sumers with dairy farm­ers’ sto­ries –...
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