Going Green Earns Gold

While we cer­tain­ly aren’t per­fect in our envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­i­ty jour­ney, as an agency, Bell­mont Part­ners is whole-heart­ed­ly striv­ing to do bet­ter to make our sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ties bet­ter than how we found them.

That’s why we are both excit­ed and hum­bled to receive a gold lev­el des­ig­na­tion – the high­est a busi­ness can earn – in the City of Edina’s Green Busi­ness Recog­ni­tion Pro­gram for 2022, mov­ing up from the sil­ver lev­el for 2021. We are ener­gized by par­tic­i­pat­ing in pro­grams like these to help keep us on the right path of con­tin­u­ing to make choic­es to cre­ate a clean­er and more resilient environment.

From pro­vid­ing more com­post and recy­cling options in the office, to encour­ag­ing our prop­er­ty man­ag­er to pro­vide bike racks for employ­ees, plant­i­ng native pol­li­na­tors in our gar­den planters, and more, bit by bit we are try­ing to think more crit­i­cal­ly about how to effec­tive­ly and strate­gi­cal­ly use our resources to reduce waste at every turn.

Thanks to the Edi­na Sun Cur­rent for the arti­cle rec­og­niz­ing our efforts!


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