
Bellmont Partner Sarah captures a photo for social media
Think of your favorite Tik­Tok trend right now. I guar­an­tee we’re think­ing of two dif­fer­ent things, because from the time I’m writ­ing this to the time you’re read­ing it, what’s pop­u­lar on the plat­form will have changed entire­ly. This con­stant change is a hall­mark of social media that for some makes it excit­ing, while for...
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Construction in Bellmont Partners office
A flex­i­ble work envi­ron­ment has been a hall­mark of Bell­mont Part­ners’ cul­ture since its incep­tion. When it came time to plan out our upcom­ing office space refresh, we spent more time than ever deter­min­ing just how to adapt it to best fit our team and agency cul­ture. To do that, we also took a trip...
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Gretchen Sitzer, Sydney Schoeberle and Sam Zender at an event
We’re thrilled to share that Syd­ney Schoe­ber­le, senior account exec­u­tive, has been named a 2024 Notable Emerg­ing Leader by Twin Cities Busi­ness magazine. Syd­ney joined Bell­mont Part­ners in Jan­u­ary 2019 as an admin­is­tra­tive assis­tant and quick­ly excelled and began col­lab­o­rat­ing with clients on pub­lic rela­tions ini­tia­tives. Three pro­mo­tions lat­er, as a senior account exec­u­tive, Syd­ney is...
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photo of Bellmont Partners staff with college students
One of the things we love at Bell­mont Part­ners is shar­ing career tips with col­lege stu­dents! From host­ing stu­dents in our offices, to attend­ing speak­ing engage­ments with Pub­lic Rela­tions Stu­dent Soci­ety of Amer­i­ca (PRSSA) chap­ters, to net­work­ing with stu­dents at local events – we love get­ting to know the next gen­er­a­tion of PR pro­fes­sion­als. Our...
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Bellmont Partners supports a client in setting up technology at an event
Com­mu­ni­ca­tions are a strate­gic imper­a­tive for tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­nies look­ing to gain and keep a com­pet­i­tive edge. With com­plex offer­ings and a wide range of audi­ences, tech com­pa­nies need to be able to clear­ly artic­u­late tech­ni­cal details as well as the val­ue of their solu­tions to share­hold­ers, sales, mar­ket­ing and non-tech­ni­cal customers. Bell­mont Part­ners is one of...
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A couple takes a selfie with a beautiful Duluth sunset
Inclu­sion and rep­re­sen­ta­tion in com­mu­ni­ca­tions and mar­ket­ing isn’t just one ini­tia­tive or cam­paign – it’s some­thing that must be woven into every­thing we do and backed up with actions. Not only is this the right thing to do, it’s also a wise busi­ness deci­sion in a con­sumer world that keeps get­ting more and more diverse,...
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As the man­u­fac­tur­ing space enters what some have called a “gold­en age,” the indus­try remains com­pet­i­tive, chal­leng­ing and ever-chang­ing. In such a land­scape, man­u­fac­tur­ers ben­e­fit from an increased focus on com­mu­ni­ca­tions and pub­lic rela­tions to grow their busi­ness, dif­fer­en­ti­ate them­selves from com­peti­tors, recruit and retain employ­ees and so much more. As one of the top 20...
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Shelli leads Sam's Q&A!
As the cal­en­dar flips over to a new year; what bet­ter time to wel­come a new team mem­ber? We’re hap­py to intro­duce Sam Zen­der, the most recent addi­tion to Bell­mont Part­ners’ Pro­fes­sion­al Ser­vices and Pub­lic Affairs team. Sam has put his wealth of exper­tise in every­thing from PR to cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions to state gov­ern­ment affairs to...
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Photo Credit: Minnesota Grown
While the plan­ner in me loves a thought­ful­ly craft­ed earned media cam­paign, with orga­nized plan­ning and plen­ty of time to pre­pare, in real­i­ty, we don’t always have the lux­u­ry of time to dili­gent­ly get all our ducks in a row. Some­times, to max­i­mize an oppor­tu­ni­ty, all this strate­giz­ing needs to be con­densed into a short...
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Bellmont Partners partners celebrate the MSPBJ's 2023 Fast 50 awards.
Here’s the thing about going on a jour­ney: You nev­er know exact­ly how long it’ll take to get to your des­ti­na­tion. Steve Mar­tin and John Can­dy rode planes, trains and auto­mo­biles to make it home. Dorothy eased on down the Yel­low Brick Road to get to Oz. The Gris­wolds drove the fam­i­ly truck­ster to Wal­ley...
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