Five people pose standing. The man in the middle holds a trophy

Bellmont Partners Takes Home MN PRSA Classics Win

We are proud to share that Bell­mont Part­ners took home a win at the Min­neso­ta PRSA Clas­sics Awards last night in the Inte­grat­ed Pro­grams cat­e­go­ry for our work with long­time client Sec­ond Har­vest Heart­land for “Pitch In for the Kitchen,” a cam­paign for Min­neso­ta Cen­tral Kitchen.

Min­neso­ta Cen­tral Kitchen was quick­ly formed in the ear­ly months of the pan­dem­ic to re-employ fur­loughed food ser­vice work­ers and get urgent­ly need­ed meals to a grow­ing com­mu­ni­ty of peo­ple fac­ing hunger. In March 2021, to com­mem­o­rate MCK’s one-year anniver­sary, the orga­ni­za­tion tapped Bell­mont Part­ners to devel­op an inte­grat­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tions campaign–including mes­sag­ing, brand­ing, design, col­lat­er­al, cam­paign guide with rec­om­mend­ed social media con­tent, con­sult­ing on event strat­e­gy, media rela­tions and influ­encer out­reach. “Pitch In for the Kitchen” was designed to raise aware­ness and much-need­ed funds so this crit­i­cal pro­gram would not only sur­vive to reach its sec­ond anniver­sary, but also thrive as a per­ma­nent part of Minnesota’s hunger-relief efforts.

The cam­paign raised $750,360 from 642 donors and match­ing funds, exceed­ing the orig­i­nal goal by 80%. This increased fund­ing matched with suc­cess­ful media out­reach accel­er­at­ed momen­tum allow­ing Min­neso­ta Cen­tral Kitchen to take the final steps in estab­lish­ing a per­ma­nent role in Minnesota’s hunger-relief system.

We’re hon­ored to be rec­og­nized for our work and grate­ful every day for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to part­ner with our out­stand­ing clients to make a dif­fer­ence in our com­mu­ni­ties. Con­grat­u­la­tions to all the win­ners and finalists!

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