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Bellmont Partners Promotes Julie Goulette to Assistant Account Executive

As Bell­mont Part­ners con­tin­ues to grow, our team mem­bers are as well, and we’re hap­py to announce that Julie Goulette has been pro­mot­ed to Assis­tant Account Exec­u­tive. Julie joined the Bell­mont Part­ners team in 2019, and she’s been a big con­trib­u­tor ever since. In the wake of the pan­dem­ic, her focus on agency oper­a­tions and admin­is­tra­tion quick­ly shift­ed to sup­port the team and our clients in the ever-chang­ing land­scape. And, through­out the last two-plus years, she has jumped in to work on a wide vari­ety of clients, along with con­tin­u­ing to help man­age agency operations.

Julie has played an inte­gral role on projects for clients such as Taste of the NFL and Min­neso­ta Wine Coun­try, along with help­ing launch our work with the city of Duluth. In her new role, Julie will be focus­ing her time on media rela­tions, project man­age­ment, mon­i­tor­ing and report­ing, social media and con­tent devel­op­ment. She will be expand­ing her roles on the Tourism & Hos­pi­tal­i­ty and Food & Agri­cul­ture teams, and in addi­tion, she’ll con­tin­ue hon­ing her graph­ic design skills as part of our Design Prac­tice Group.

We are grate­ful for Julie’s enthu­si­asm, can-do atti­tude and skills, and we look for­ward to more of our clients and part­ners hav­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work with her. We are excit­ed to see her con­tin­ue shin­ing in this new role and are thank­ful for all her con­tri­bu­tions. Con­grat­u­la­tions, Julie!

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