
Sara Grasmon
Grid of Bellmont team at various events
Last night, we were hon­ored to once again – for the fourth year in a row – be named one of the 100 Best Com­pa­nies to Work For by Min­neso­ta Busi­ness Mag­a­zine. While part of our team was at the Finance & Com­merce Ris­ing Young Pro­fes­sion­als award event, a group of BPers accept­ed the award...
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Women holding a microphone at panel discussion
As Min­neso­ta basks in the after­glow of Super Bowl LII, the mar­ket­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions com­mu­ni­ty gath­ered to debrief on all things acti­va­tion at MIMA’s recent event: “How’d we do? Scor­ing Min­neso­ta mar­keters on the big game.” I attend­ed the pan­el with my col­league Jen Bell­mont. As two of the team mem­bers on the ground dur­ing much of...
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