Headshot of Breanna Welke with text "Vice President"

Bellmont Partners Promotes Breanna Welke to Vice President

As Bell­mont Part­ners con­tin­ues its record growth, we’re excit­ed to announce the pro­mo­tion of Bre­an­na Welke to vice pres­i­dent. Since join­ing Bell­mont Part­ners in ear­ly 2016, she has tak­en a lead role in expand­ing the agency’s brand­ing and posi­tion­ing con­sult­ing across all clients, with a focus on com­mu­ni­ca­tions plan­ning, mes­sag­ing, audi­ence, posi­tion­ing and engage­ment, as well as cri­sis communications.

Bre­an­na over­sees the agency’s Food and Agri­cul­ture and Man­u­fac­tur­ing prac­tice groups. Her thought­ful lead­er­ship, strate­gic think­ing, deft guid­ance and strong rela­tion­ships built with Mid­west Dairy, Mal­co, Radis­son Blu-Mall of Amer­i­ca, Min­neso­ta Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture, Ander­sen Win­dows and Doors, Renew­al by Ander­sen and many more orga­ni­za­tions have helped to grow the vari­ety of clients we’re serv­ing and the work we’re deliv­er­ing. She also plays a major role in new busi­ness devel­op­ment and sup­ports our entire team as a men­tor, shar­ing her 20+ years of expe­ri­ence in agency and cor­po­rate set­tings. Pri­or to join­ing Bell­mont Part­ners, Bre­an­na led the devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of a wide vari­ety of award-win­ning pub­lic rela­tions pro­grams for well-known brands such as SC John­son, Unilever, Gen­er­al Mills, Mar­vin Win­dows and Doors and more.

“Breanna’s strate­gic vision for all of our clients – not just the ones she works on direct­ly – ele­vates every­thing we deliv­er,” said Bri­an Bell­mont, Pres­i­dent. “Her strong rela­tion­ships with our clients and team mem­bers has had a major impact on our orga­ni­za­tion’s suc­cess, and we’re excit­ed to see where this new role takes her.”

“Bell­mont Part­ners has seen tremen­dous growth over the past six years, and it’s been extreme­ly reward­ing to be part of the agency’s con­tin­ued suc­cess,” says Welke. “While the last few years have had many chal­lenges, it has pushed all of us to get cre­ative and find new ways to help our clients meet their busi­ness goals. I’m hon­ored to be a part of such a tal­ent­ed and hard-work­ing team, and I’m excit­ed to see what the next few years bring as we con­tin­ue to add even more great clients and team members.”

We’re grate­ful for Breanna’s pos­i­tive atti­tude and enthu­si­asm to dive into clients and projects bal­anced with an unquench­able curios­i­ty and thought­ful approach – not to men­tion her sto­ry­telling skills, shared love of pop cul­ture and inside scoop on cool new local restau­rants and must-see places to visit!

Con­grat­u­la­tions on this well-deserved pro­mo­tion, Breanna!

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