Group of eight gathered in formal wear

Partner Maureen Cahill Honored as “Champion of Hope” by Smile Network

It was a mem­o­rable and emo­tion­al week­end as Part­ner Mau­reen Cahill received the Cham­pi­on of Hope award from Smile Net­work on Sat­ur­day, Oct. 30.

Mau­reen has a deep rela­tion­ship with the orga­ni­za­tion, the vol­un­teers, part­ners and the mis­sion. She served as exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Min­neso­ta-based glob­al non­prof­it from 2012 through 2020, after serv­ing on its board for the pre­vi­ous eight years. She led and coor­di­nat­ed more than 50 mis­sions around the world, work­ing close­ly with inter­na­tion­al part­ners and med­ical vol­un­teers to pro­vide more than 2,000 chil­dren with life-chang­ing surgeries.

Smile Net­work pro­vides life alter­ing, recon­struc­tive surg­eries and relat­ed health­care ser­vices to impov­er­ished chil­dren and young adults in devel­op­ing countries.

People present award on stage

“Maureen’s com­mit­ment to and pas­sion for Smile Net­work sets an amaz­ing exam­ple for all of us,” said Jen Bell­mont, who is cur­rent­ly serv­ing on the organization’s board. “Her gen­er­ous nature and enthu­si­asm for help­ing oth­ers is inspir­ing to every­one who knows her.”

Mau­reen stays con­nect­ed through the strong rela­tion­ships she built along the way, and brings the exper­tise and sin­gu­lar per­spec­tive she gained as a leader to the oth­er non­prof­it, health­care and trav­el and tourism orga­ni­za­tions she works with every day.

Con­grat­u­la­tions on this well-deserved recog­ni­tion, Mo!

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