
February 22, 2022
A Playbill for The Music Man is held up in front of a stage
Oh, we got trou­ble. Or at least we have for the past two years as COVID has impact­ed near­ly every aspect of all our lives. But as always, a sil­ver lin­ing is start­ing to become clear. Or in this case, I guess, a brass lin­ing – com­plete with 76 trom­bones lead­ing the big parade, with 110...
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Two men show a child how a machine works
We all intu­itive­ly know the pow­er of a good sto­ry. It’s what makes us lean in at a par­ty, binge just *one* more episode, or scroll a lit­tle deep­er on someone’s social feed. As humans, we’re fas­ci­nat­ed by oth­er people’s lives and expe­ri­ences, whether dif­fer­ent or sim­i­lar to our own. As mar­keters and com­mu­ni­ca­tors, there’s...
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