
July 21, 2021
sunset through a glass lightbulb
Cre­ativ­i­ty is a fun­ny lit­tle friend that can show up when you least expect it and, on days when we feel in a rut, can be elu­sive and hard to come by. Work­ing in a cre­ative field doesn’t guar­an­tee a free flow of ideas at all times. We have to find it, fos­ter it and...
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A man and women stand by the fearless girl statue
As part of its “Day in the Life” series, PR Dai­ly inter­viewed Bell­mont Part­ners Pres­i­dent Bri­an Bell­mont about his “tips and tac­tics for suc­cess amid a resur­gent economy.” The wide-rang­ing dis­cus­sion cov­ers top­ics includ­ing why prac­tic­ing empa­thy is Brian’s top mes­sage for 2021, what makes him hope­ful about the future of PR, and why our agency...
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