
April 2017
Bellmont employees at volunteering events
Three years ago, I attend­ed an event at the Weis­man Art Muse­um on the Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta cam­pus host­ed by the Cen­ter for Girls’ Lead­er­ship – a small-but-mighty non­prof­it ded­i­cat­ed to inspir­ing girls today to lead tomor­row. I imme­di­ate­ly want­ed to get involved, but – con­sid­er­ing my hec­tic col­lege senior sched­ule – I put my name on...
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Bellmont group photo
We had a fan­tas­tic time at the Min­neso­ta PRSA Clas­sics Awards last night, hon­or­ing our town’s best and bright­est strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tors and cel­e­brat­ing the great­est work and achieve­ments of our local PR community. It was a treat to vis­it The Machine Shop and take in the beau­ti­ful sights of the his­toric, spa­cious venue. Bell­mont Part­ners took home the win...
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Table discussion
How do the words “con­tent mar­ket­ing” make you feel? Over­whelmed? Excit­ed? Or, maybe, a bit lost? No mat­ter where you are in your con­tent mar­ket­ing jour­ney, one thing is for sure —it isn’t going away any time soon, and for good rea­son. A strong con­tent mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy is essen­tial for any mar­keter when it comes...
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Students in orange shirts taking a group photo
Do you remem­ber your first job? From tele­mar­ket­ing to pack­ag­ing Hal­loween make­up to serv­ing at a restau­rant, we’ve all been there. A com­mon say­ing at my first job was “you got time to lean, you got time to clean.” Lit­tle did we know our first job expe­ri­ences would shape the busi­ness skills we use every...
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