Last month, several team members from of our Tourism & Hospitality practice group attended the Explore Minnesota Tourism (EMT) Conference, held this year in Bloomington. It was great to meet face-to-face with many of our current clients and partners (including a strong showing from the Duluth tourism industry!), catch up with industry colleagues, as well...Read More
It’s been just over three months since we kicked off work to promote tourism to Duluth, and earlier this week we had the pleasure of debuting the new brand and marketing campaign to more than 100 industry members and city leaders in Duluth. This debut was the early culmination of our work with our partners...Read More
‘Tis the season for gratitude, of which we have plenty. Our clients and partners remain among the list of people and organizations we are grateful for, and we’re excited to share that our roster has expanded. Recently, our Tourism and Hospitality practice group has had the opportunity to start partnering with these new clients. We’re...Read More
With stay-at-home orders, travel bans and social distancing guidelines in place, it’s no surprise that the tourism and event industry took a hit during the pandemic. As we’ve come to see over the last 18 months, the professionals in this space are nothing if not resilient, creative and hardworking. And their efforts are paying off,...Read More
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