
public affairs
Minnesota State Capitol
It’s been a pro­duc­tive 2024 ses­sion and here at Bell­mont, we’ve had clients across indus­tries advo­cat­ing for change in St. Paul. While the ses­sion hasn’t reached the his­toric lev­els of 2023, it still looks to be pro­duc­tive for a non-bud­get year. Leg­is­la­tors went into 2024 with a focus on keep­ing spend­ing low, pass­ing bond­ing bills and...
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Reporters listen to the governor speak at a ceremonial bill signing
The 2023 leg­isla­tive ses­sion is under­way, and it’s been a busy one in Saint Paul! Clients across our prac­tice groups are meet­ing with leg­is­la­tors, sup­port­ing bills, tes­ti­fy­ing and more to inspire polit­i­cal change.  Our Pro­fes­sion­al Ser­vices and Pub­lic Affairs Group is poised with the knowl­edge and exper­tise to help break down com­mu­ni­ca­tion bar­ri­ers and help you...
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Since it first launched in 2016, Bell­mont Part­ners has been part­ner­ing with the Min­neso­ta Fire­fight­er Ini­tia­tive (MnFIRE) to pro­vide Minnesota’s fire­fight­ers the tools they need to pri­or­i­tize and pro­tect their health, and we couldn’t be more grate­ful for this ongo­ing, inspir­ing work that’s lit­er­al­ly sav­ing lives. As for­mer Rich­field fire chief, Wayne Kewitsch has brought 24...
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