Two women sit talking

Q&A With Bellmont Partners’ New Project Manager, Gretchen Sitzer

We’re excit­ed to wel­come Gretchen Sitzer to the Bell­mont Part­ners team as a project man­ag­er! From her ear­ly career as an Eng­lish teacher to her pas­sion for project man­age­ment, Gretchen com­bines her love for sto­ry­telling with an abil­i­ty to help dri­ve projects for­ward in an orga­nized fash­ion. In her new role, Gretchen works across the agency, con­sult­ing with prac­tice groups and client teams to ensure the work behind the scenes results in a high-qual­i­ty, on-time work for the orga­ni­za­tions we part­ner with.

We’re thrilled to have Gretchen in this role, bring­ing her unique skills and expe­ri­ences to the grow­ing team! We sat down recent­ly to dive into her back­ground and what she’s most excit­ed about in join­ing Bell­mont Partners.

You’ve held a vari­ety of roles in your career. How have they led you to become inter­est­ed in mar­ket­ing and project management?

The ele­ments I loved most about teach­ing – orga­ni­za­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and col­lab­o­ra­tion – led me towards project man­age­ment as I envi­sioned a life out­side of the class­room. After work­ing as the project and logis­tics direc­tor at Camp Birch­wood for Girls in 2022, I knew project man­age­ment would be a strong fit. But a more spe­cif­ic com­po­nent I loved in my years in edu­ca­tion – sto­ry­telling – inspired me to pur­sue a pro­fes­sion­al life in com­mu­ni­ca­tions, pub­lic rela­tions and mar­ket­ing. I look for­ward to com­bin­ing all of these pas­sions and skill sets into my role as a project man­ag­er at Bell­mont Partners.

What are you most excit­ed about work­ing in an agency environment?

I am most excit­ed about work­ing with this agency, specif­i­cal­ly, because of the high­ly val­ue-dri­ven Bell­mont Part­ners team. I am also most excit­ed to explore the col­lab­o­ra­tion and project range across such a wide vari­ety of clients.

Project man­age­ment is an inter­est­ing facet of work­ing in an agency and man­ag­ing mul­ti­ple ini­tia­tives. How do you see project management’s place in help­ing deliv­er high-qual­i­ty work for clients?

In our agency set­ting, co-cur­rent projects are an excit­ing part of dai­ly life. I see project man­age­ment as a pow­er­ful tool of sup­port, tak­ing on the “behind the scenes” aspects of projects that will ulti­mate­ly enable client-fac­ing team mem­bers more time and ener­gy to focus on client needs and com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Bell­mont Part­ners has his­tor­i­cal­ly deliv­ered high-qual­i­ty work to our clients, and as we grow, I envi­sion the addi­tion of a ded­i­cat­ed project man­age­ment com­po­nent to aid in sus­tain­ing that high-quality.

How do you like to spend your time out­side of work?

I love to be out­side when­ev­er I can! I earned my Wilder­ness First Aid Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in ear­ly 2022. In the win­ter, I love to cross coun­try ski and spend time in qui­et, snow-filled woods. In the sum­mer, I love to swim, canoe, and kayak! I attend a month­ly social book club and enjoy try­ing out new recipes for cook­ing adven­tures. All activ­i­ties are made more fun with my friends and fam­i­ly – espe­cial­ly my niece and nephew!


Wel­come to the team, Gretchen!

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